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TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
To start the Smoke Day Celebrations a little early, I started with my birthday on Thursday. And since I will only turn 43 once in my life, I decided I ought to splurge and treat myself to something special. Enter the Wagyu Strip Steak:


I seasoned it with nothing more than kosher salt and fresh ground tellichery pepper. Then onto the grill over some oak lump. At the turn:


I also did some mixed baby 'taters and asparagus. This is a pretty common plating in this house (minus the wagyu, that is). Here it is all ready to go:


And here's a closer look:


I have to say, the Wagyu was awesome. At those prices though, you can't afford much. Fortunately, it's very rich and fills you right up. My steak was about ten ounces, and it was more than enough. But it is definitely worth splurging if you have a special occasion.

One word of warning though: cooking this stuff will make you feel like a beginner again. I was so nervous about ruining this nice steak.
Oh to be only 43 again, and have a steak like that too!
Happy B'day Jim!
Beautiful hunk 'o meat, cooked to perfection!

