So here's a question I have been thinking about. Any feedback or opinions on would be greatly appreciated. Let me start by saying that yes, I am nitpicking, but I'd like to understand the concept. Here's a brief description of the dilemma.
At the beginning of a smoke, the lid temperature is warmer than the cooking grate temperature. This makes sense because obviously heat rises. However, if I am smoking a brisket for example, as the brisket warms up, it begins to radiate heat as well. At some point, the cooking grate may surpass the lid temperature. When/if this happens, in theory should the temperature of the smoker be reduced to bring the cooking grate back down to the desired temperature levels, or should I continue to use the lid thermometer as my reference point?
At the beginning of a smoke, the lid temperature is warmer than the cooking grate temperature. This makes sense because obviously heat rises. However, if I am smoking a brisket for example, as the brisket warms up, it begins to radiate heat as well. At some point, the cooking grate may surpass the lid temperature. When/if this happens, in theory should the temperature of the smoker be reduced to bring the cooking grate back down to the desired temperature levels, or should I continue to use the lid thermometer as my reference point?