Lid fit question


John Baldessari

New member
Hi, I am new to the group and the Weber smokers in general. My DW just got me a brand new one for my b-day, and am looking forward to trying it out! Have one issue/question to bring up, though...

While assembling, everything seems to fit up pretty well. However, the lid rocks back and forth a little when installed on top of the center section, w/ maybe about 1/8" or so gap at extreme positions of the rocking (estimated). Is this normal or anything to be concerned about? Seems like Weber grill lids usually seem to have a pretty flat fit in general.

Note that the lid and center section seem to be pretty round -- no binding if you spin the lid around in the center section. And the lid itself sits perfectly flat when laid on another known flat surface. Back on the center section, the rocking seems to occur in same direction no matter which way the lid is turned, so I'm thinking that the lip of the center section is what's probably not so flat.

Anyways, is this more-or-less normal, and/or will this have an appreciable effect on my attempts at cooking and holding temperatures? Any advice/experience is appreciated!
John, welcome to the forum. Glad you stopped by and asked.Did you measure the center section on the top to see if it is in fact round? Also measure the internal ring of the lid to see if it is round. It is usual for there to be a smal gap new and that will fill in with gunk after a couple cooks. If it were me, I would fire it up, cook something fattie, and see how much smoke you loose from the seal. Then use it a couple more times. If there is no improvement and if you are loosing a lot of smoke from the lid/center connection then call Weber CS and they will most likely send you a new part. If on the other hand you find by your measurements that there is a big discreptancy then call them right away. Either way they will not want the defective part back.

Good luck.

Agree with Mark.

I've had 3 WSM's and the degree of fit varied a little with some lid wiggle. But, after a few cooks, no issues.

If it's bothers you, Weber will make it right.
So you're not talking about it sliding left to right, this is pivoting like a teeter-totter. That's not right.

Just to compare, you can try it with the bowl and see if that pivots the same as the lid. If so, I'd get a new one.
Yes, "teeter-totter" would be the best decription of the motion. Once again, it's not a lot, but noticeable if you are looking for it -- the lid does not sit "perfectly" flat in the center section. I can maybe try to get a measurement to see how big the gap is at the extremes of the rocking motion.

Generally speaking, though, most people's lids sit flat enough to completely seal the lip after they've been "gunked-up" a little, right? You shouldn't normally have leakage at this point?
John check the bottom lip of the lid and the inside lip of the bowl, make sure there is not a porcelain enamel build up which would cause it to bobble.
John, a little leakage even after many cooks is not unusual. My kettle still leaks after 20 + years and my WSM lets a bit of smoke out now and them. I just bang it once upside the head and it settles down. Use it for a few cooks and get a replacement if it is excessive.

I wouldn't want a bobble head WSM also.

Was that the big boy or the regular Weby?
Either way it reads like your middle section is not running on a true level.
Give Weber service a call.
I would if it was mine and brand spankin new

It's the regular model (18.5").

Played around a little more with it tonight, and it's definitely the top of the center section -- the lid is perfectly round and flat. Gap between the two is right around 1/8 inch or so at the worst spot.

I can see the two locations on the top lip of center section where the lid is sitting/connecting from little scratches in the enamel, but they seem pretty flat -- no obvious lumps or bumps. So must be a gradual curvature away from those high points.

They've got a floor model Weber smoker sitting out at the local hardware store that I tried on the way home from work tonight, and it's lid seems to sit pretty flat. So yes, I'll give Weber a call tomorrow and see what they have to say.

Thanks for all the help and advice!

My WSM 22 that I received last month came with an out of round middle section. The customer service folks bent over backwards to help and I had a new middle section the next day

Good Luck and happy smokin!
I just put my 18.5" WSM together today and also ran into the teeter-tottering lid. On top of that, one side of the upper grate would easily fall off of the little metal nubs that it sits on when you touched it.

As mentioned, I got out the tape measure and measuring one way was a little over 19" and the other was under 18.5. Pulled it all apart, massaged it until it was even both ways and now the lid fits perfectly and the grate stays on no matter what you do to it.
The middle section of my new 2007 model 18.5" that I got from Ace Hardware the other day rocks slightly in the bottom bowl section. I have measured the bowl and its slightly off. It seems to cook fine so I probably won't mess with it for now.

Originally posted by DJ Brooks:
I just put my 18.5" WSM together today and also ran into the teeter-tottering lid. On top of that, one side of the upper grate would easily fall off of the little metal nubs that it sits on when you touched it.

As mentioned, I got out the tape measure and measuring one way was a little over 19" and the other was under 18.5. Pulled it all apart, massaged it until it was even both ways and now the lid fits perfectly and the grate stays on no matter what you do to it.

Way to go. No need to call Weber about a cooker that needs a little tweaking.
I ended up getting a new charcoal bowl from Weber but the new one was worse than the one I had. It also has a chip on the edge. I tried to push on the sides a little to even it up and it cracked the porcelin on one side. One of the vents is real loose like one on my original bowl.

I hate to call Weber again. I'm not sure what to do.

Originally posted by Wayne Dimirsky:
I ended up getting a new charcoal bowl from Weber but the new one was worse than the one I had. It also has a chip on the edge. I tried to push on the sides a little to even it up and it cracked the porcelin on one side. One of the vents is real loose like one on my original bowl.

I hate to call Weber again. I'm not sure what to do.

Call 'em Wayne. It looks like you've spent enough $$ on Webers for them to get it right. My only complaint has been the silly little therms the new wsm has, but the third one was the charm.
Call and make sure you get what you pay for. These aren't cheap. No reason why you can't enjoy what you pay for.

be mindful of flexing and bending anything with the porclein, esp. the mid-section.. you could crack it all off.

