Let's try a pork butt


Barrett Davidson

TVWBB Member
Grabbed a pair of butts at Sam's yesterday, rubbed them both and gave one to my buddy to smoke on his new electric smoker. Kept the other one to try on my OTG, and we'll compare results tomorrow during the OU game.

Here's what I started with, about 8 pounds.

I've only done briskets and bologna until now, so we'll see how this goes. I'll post more pics in this thread as the cook smokes along.
It might have been interesting to put both smokers side by side for the mini butt cook off.

Much as we like our Webers, if a guy knows what he is doing with the electric, they can
turn out good stuff too.
Well, had a minor catastrophe last night with the butt. I was trying to use the minion method on my OTG, but I screwed up somehow and all the briquettes got fully engaged about 2 hours in. The dome temp was about 600. Fortunately, I was checking in on the temp and saw this. I had a makeshift ashcan, and pulled out all the briquettes. I pulled out the bricks that had formed my firewall. I then set up the old reliable snake method all the way around the kettle, figuring it would last at least 8 hours while I went to sleep. Went to bed, woke up at 4am to find my snake was at the end, which was fine. I pulled the grate off and set up another snake, went back to bed and when I woke up 2 hours later (thanks to my 2 year-old girl!), it's doing fine. Dome temp around 225. I still haven't bought a grate thermometer yet. Anyway, when I set up the 2nd snake, the butt looked like the pics I've seen here, so that's a good sign. We'll see what it looks like in a few more hours...
Great save. Who needs an alarm when you have a 2 YO! Bet it will turn out great. Be sure to report back.
Here's where we sit about 30 minutes ago. Still a bit firm, internal temp around 165-170. Got a little hot, made some vent adjustments to get it back down to about 225. Pretty excited about this, hope it all works out.
Looks grand! If you feel that the bark/exterior is drying up/burn foil it. Or even sprits it. But i guess it will turn out just fine. And you are in for a treat.
I took it off after 16 hours. Bone is very close to sliding cleanly, temps were around 200, meat was very tender. A bit of the bark stuck to the grate and if it's any indication, this will be a good lunch. Foiled, toweled, put in cooler to hold since we're an hour or two away from ready to eat. More pics when I do the pull. Forgot to take one when I foiled it.

I think I'm hooked on this smoking thing.

