Let's see your seasonings cabinet!

Hey I'll play.....
It's always knock 4 over to find the 1 needed. LOL
This is all i need to cook tasty stuff….until i see something else i need to cook tasty stuff…hehe.

Okay here is my messy cabinet! This is after I went through my stash about 3 weeks ago
and got rid of the ones I never use.
Thought I had what I needed?! :/ being on this site has made me want to do my own rubs or at least make them myself. I keep some merc' stuff outside. Time to stock up!

Okay,I'll play! This is the small cabinet above the stove. Where I keep most of the "goodies".
And this is on the back of the stove,where the "dailies" are kept.
I'm pretty sure there are some more stuffed in the pantry somewhere!
And,yes,I do need to clean it out. Again! :p

