Let's do something charitable for Smoke Day...ideas wanted


Chris Allingham

Staff member
It's our 10th Smoke Day this year. We celebrate our love of Weber and WSM and barbecue on Memorial Day Weekend, an important holiday. I think it's about time we did something charitable for Smoke Day. Ideas?
During the holidays we donate to the local food pantry. Doing it more than once a year is one idea.

Perhaps we can honor the memory of fallen soldiers by making life a little better for the soldiers and family members who are with us.

I was thinking of a financial donation to the Disabled Veterans of America until I read this.

I was going to suggest the donation of a WSM to a veterans rehab facility but there would not be anyone to maintain it and it could be easily stolen by anyone passing through.

There could be a drawing for the twvbb members who participate in Smoke Day, including Chris, with a financial donation going to the rehab facility of their choice. Recreational fund preferred. I'll volunteer to do the drawing so Chris can participate, or pick someone who is more active on the forum and is not participating in Smoke Day. No hurt feelings.

Perhaps a financial donation to a group that supports widows and children of fallen soldiers. Same method of selecting the organization as a donation going to a rehab facility. A family in dire need may be more appropriate than a rec fund?

A drawing to be held at a veterans rehab facility. Approved by the administrator with assistance in coordinating from the social services dept. Any patient of the facility can enter.
- 1st prize a WSM to be shipped to the winners home. Maybe Weber would join in by donating the smoker and getting a local dealer to deliver it assembled or assist the recipient with assembly so (s)he can begin learning about the WSM. The more Weber donates the more we can give. Cookers could be added to the 2nd - 10th place winners to keep it 10 prize winners for the 10th anniversary, or there could be more prize places.
- 2nd prize several items from Thermoworks. They seem like a generous company and a lot of us have spent a bit of change with them.
- 3rd prize a Thermapen.
- 4th prize a Maverick ET-733. I haven't noticed Maverick donating anywhere so do not know if they would participate. Maybe to get their name out there among the public?
- 5th prize a set of Weber BBQ tools.
- 6th prize a Thermopop.
- 7th prize a Weber or other smoking book.
- 8th prize Peace, Love, & Barbecue if we can get one donated or someone will purchase. People seem to like this book.
- 9th prize Slap Yo' Daddy rubs.
- 10th prize Tatonka dust.
If any of the "actors" on Pitmasters have written a book an autographed copy might be nice. Wonder if Harry Soo has any of the orange Thermapens that were made especially for him that he would donate or sell at a reduced price? I was thinking rubs from Oakridge BBQ. Their packaging looks upscale and are reportedly good. I don't know if Secret Weapon and Black Ops would be appropriate. The admin or social worker should be able to let us know. A TVWBB cap for each of the 10 winners?

Then, a final drawing that is limited to these 10 winners. That person would receive the money we donate. Or smaller amounts could just be included for each prize level.
Since it is memorial day I feel that a donation to a veteran's organization would be most appropriate.
I just talked to my brother, and we'll be taking donations at my party for the Wounded Worriers. He said that if everyone in our family just drops a fiver it'd be $160.00. I'm thinking this is going to happen every time I have a party.
I just talked to my brother, and we'll be taking donations at my party for the Wounded Worriers. He said that if everyone in our family just drops a fiver it'd be $160.00. I'm thinking this is going to happen every time I have a party.

According to these links the Wounded Warriors financial management at the national level is lacking. It was suggested that money be donated locally.

Read the comments at the charitynavigator link.
Perhaps a financial donation to a group that supports widows and children of fallen soldiers. Same method of selecting the organization as a donation going to a rehab facility. A family in dire need may be more appropriate than a rec fund?

I lean towards a fundraiser so that money can be used as needed by the charity. I'm a bit apprehensive about a drawing with lots of prizes, coordinating with a facility, which facility to choose, etc.

Operation Homefront seems to be a reputable outfit that helps families and wounded soldiers. They have a good rating on Charity Navigator, but have been on their watch list because of some managerial issues. There are some big corporate sponsors involved with this charity like Walmart, Chase, and Home Depot.

Something more grassroots and related to our passion is Operation BBQ for our Troops. They describe themselves as, "a non-partisan group of BBQ Competition Teams, Backyard BBQers, and BBQ enthusiasts that come together to show our appreciation by providing our military members a picnic that centers around the unique American food of BBQ." They serve a free BBQ meal to service men and women along with their families have come together before or after deployment. They also have picnics for military families while their loved ones are on active duty in far off locations.
This past Thanksgiving we lost my Grandfather to his fight with prostate cancer, which was thought to have been taken care of back in the mid 80's, but had been dormant and gone to his ureter and taken out his kidney. And he was from then on till last year put on dialysis which some of you may know if horrible. Well I was one the family members that helped feed him in the months leading up to him passing and overheard the nurses mentioning that someone had created an artificial kidney. So, around the time I got to researching this he had passed and I found this site http://pharmacy.ucsf.edu/kidney-project/ which is in the Human trials right now, and is when they need the funds for this part of the project. If you would like more information on this I have it.
With all WII and Vietnam veterans passing on, American Legion and VFW posts across the states are closing their doors. Their is a pool of Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan to join but the stigma is that it's for the older veterans. The best donation you can make is to your local posts. The money would go directly to veterans and veteran programs. It's not only money that goes a long way. A tray of Roadside Chicken would put a smile on any veteran's face. I know for a fact. So this smoke day I'll be cooking them up some food to thank them for their service.

