LED1 not lighting on HeaterMeter v4.1.2


Bryan Mayland

TVWBB Hall of Fame
As discovered in the From and for an electronics newbie thread, the v4.1 boards that have been out for a while have an error in the board file which prevents the LED1 (the lower one) from lighting.

The problem is that the trace doesn't reach the ATmega pin

If you have an existing v4.1 board, you can fix this by running a small wire to replace it, as shown here by Steve_M.

Board file is updated with the LED1 trace fixed. Pushed to github, shared on OSHPark and updated capnbry.net's HeaterMeter PCB.

I also nudged the 5V regulator up 0.01" to allow the ground plane trace to reach it directly. This may alleviate the need for the "white wire" ground fix.
I had this problem with the first board i built. I had everything working, then while trying to troubleshoot, i lost everything. is this issue strictly an LED issue or could it lead to other problems?
its strictly a LED problem. The trace for the resister that connects to the Atmega328 stopped just short of the pad. so you would need to connect a wire in the place of the white line in the picture above and that will fix the issue. All boards order as of Monday will not need the wire fix.

