Lamb Ribs


Bob Mann

TVWBB Honor Circle
In my local meat store, I saw a package with something called "lamb breast". To me it looked like lamb ribs with a thick layer of fat on it. My wife and I love lamb, so I figured I'd grab a couple and cook them up.

After doing some research, a lamb breast is basically the lamb version of a whole pork belly. My target was the ribs, so I trimmed them, saving the bellies in my freezer. Lamb bacon?

I rubbed the meat down with olive oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper and rosemary. I cooked them in my 18 1/2" WSM for about 5 hours at 275F, uncovered. The flavor was really good, though a bit fatty. Next time I'm going to do them a bit lower and slower to better render the fat.

The small piece of lamb belly/bacon I cooked was crunchy and really flavorful.

Lamb ribs front.

Lamb ribs back.

The bellies I trimmed off.

I cut one piece of belly/bacon to cook with the ribs.

Rubbed up and ready to go.

Mid cook.


Ready to be cut.


The piece of lamb belly/bacon.

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Very nice looking ribs and looks to be cooked right too!!! I also bought that cut a while back and it was called lamb brisket. I didn't cook them long enough and they tasted good but were really greasy.
I also bought that cut a while back and it was called lamb brisket. I didn't cook them long enough and they tasted good but were really greasy.
Yeah, mine were too, but ohhh so tasty! Next time I'm going to cook them a bit longer. If you notice, the smaller rack I did was much less fatty. I should have put the bigger rack on first, and let it go for a bit then threw the smaller rack on later.

That is the fun in barbequing, we all learn something with each cook!

Terrific looking cook Bob!

I have to confess, I've never cooked or eaten lamb, but lamb ribs will go on my grate if I can find some.
Terrific looking cook Bob!

I have to confess, I've never cooked or eaten lamb, but lamb ribs will go on my grate if I can find some.

Try cooking a rack of lamb then slicing into lamb chops, that is my favorite!
Some people do not care for the taste,like my wife but she just doesn't like the idea of eating a lamb, we were in a Greek restaurant and she had a bite of my sandwich, and she liked it, when I told her it was lamb suddenly she didn't like it! More for me
Looks great Bob! Found some of these "lamb breast" in the local grocery ad. Never heard of em. Going tomorrow to pick up a few.
I bet its for the regular Lamb eater. To me i have a hard time with fatty cuts. Love the leaner fast cooked ones. When i was young i had some bad lamb...Never touched it in 20 years. But i was supriced how good it was. The fat is where alot of flavour is stored though. Ill go with the chops for now :P
I have to confess, I've never cooked or eaten lamb, but lamb ribs will go on my grate if I can find some.

If you like grass-fed beef or venison or any other full flavor meat then you're gonna love lamb! I would call it a "musky" flavor, not gamey really. I have baked lamb ribs before with some dried apricots and they weren't nearly as strong tasting as loin chops to me. Any time I have braised lamb, whether it be shanks or that breast, it was much milder than chops. I love the full flavor though and you do have to render a good bit of fat out of them. I I love lamb so much that I do lamb burgers almost exclusively over beef burgers though.

Good luck though when you find some ribs, I bet you're gonna love them!

