I know we've touched on this in the forums, but I just picked up Kingsford PRO priced at $14.99 for 2x18LB bags ($0.42/lb.) Not an earth shattering price but I was there, thought about it for 5 seconds and I loaded up. Limit is three.
Have I said how lucky I am to have my wife?
We were out running an errand when she reminded me that I had forgotten to pick something up that she needed when I was at Costco. So I figure why not grab another double of Kingsford pro? I get one in the cart and she says,”Why don’t you just get two?”
I’m just such a lucky guy!
I envy you fellas in the U.S. It varies here in Canada whether some of our Costco’s carry charcoal or not. (Each province is different.) I asked one of the staff who advised their location “doesn’t carry charcoal” - only propane and Traeger pellets. I went to a different location on the other side of town and was advised to check back closer to spring, but they couldn’t say for sure if they would be carrying any.
So $48 dollars later I opted for a 35 lbs bag of jealous devil at the specialty bbq shop since I (a) wanted to try it out any how and (b) my wife’s birthday tomorrow and she’s requested ribs and chicken wings.
KBB is readily available but I almost never see it on sale or in packs of 2.
KBB pro is hit and miss for availability.
B&B is not anywhere that I ever seen.
R.O. lump in the orange bag is no where to be found (however they do sell a blue bag of R.O. lump and it gets horrendous reviews.)
We’re fortunate (for the time being) that Weber charcoal is still around these parts for about $19 for a 20 lbs bag.