Kingsford Competition charcoal $3.16 @ my HD



TVWBB Member

I picked up a bunch of the Kingsford Competition Charcoal at my Home Depot for $3.16 per bag. These bags are the 11.1lb size and seem to be on clearance. I thought it was a good deal.

This might be only at one store or may be regional. I am not sure however I thought I would pass it along in case folks happened to be in Home Depot anyways. It might be worth a check if you are or have a store close by.

I REALLY wish HD would carry Rancher again.
Agreed. Rancher was only at our local HD once, never to return. If I'm recalling correctly, it was only something like $2.99 a bag during a special they ran too and unfortunately I only bought 4 or 5 bags. I've been pleased with the Kingsford Competition so will have to see if our HD has a similar deal going on but would really like the Rancher to return.
WooHoo ... just found 12 bags!!! On my way to get em now. Thanks Werner

*Wound up getting 16 bags @ $2.23 per bag! Schweeet!
The two Home Depot stores by me had none to be found. I'm down to one Comp and one blue bag left in my personal inventory.
Picked up another 18 bags today. Im psyched and I should have plenty for the coming summer and then some. Same price as before, $3.16.

I would be happy to part with some if it helps someone out and you dont mind picking it up or at least meeting me where I dont have to drive out of the way. I live in the Nashua,NH area and work along the 495 belt in MA.

As an aside the store showed some in Salem, NH but the inventory I wouldnt trust. They also showed inventory in a store I already checked which had none.
I would have bought more Comp K if it had been cheaper. I wouldn't mind if they just used the Comp K for the regular blue bags and got rid of the filler stuff all together. But, not sure if it just costs a bit more to make the Comp K than the regular ones.

