Kingsford bags

I'm doing my first cook with the new Kingsford this afteroon. Just lit my starter, and, to my surprise, the bag did not have a sting closer. I usually use Royal Oak, so I dont know if this is new.
I've had a lifelong fight with those @#$%@ strings on charcoal bags, and have never been able to find a formula where they consistently pop right off. I always imagine you real old hands just looking at the string, giving it a tug, and, poof, off it comes. Me, it's about one in five, and the others finally get slit with a knife.


PS: Sorry if this is not the right forum.
I don't remember getting Kingsford bags with a string closure, not in recent years anyway. But then again, I usually only buy the plastic-wrapped two-packs from the wholesale club or HD, which may be different from singles at the grocery. Never thought about it before.
Yeah, I only got a "clean pull" on those string closures about 1 in 20 times. I never really figured them out.

They seem to have abandoned string some time ago for a process that perforates/crimps the two sides together then seals with tape. Just remove some or all of the tape and pull the crimped edges open. Seems to work better than the string ever did for me.

Thirty years ago when I was in HS, I spent my summers working for a dairy farmer in SoDak. He showed me how to pull the string so it would come off just right, but I could never figure it out.
My husband just commented that they don't have the string anymore on the bags. It's been quite a few years, but I too, only ripped a good one occasionally!
Glad I'm not the only one. Thought for a while I was just getting old!

I always had the same problem and still do with the Cowboy harwood that I buy I usually end up opening with a knife
Through experimentation I found that "The Clean Pull" normally requires that you undo the first loop of the first knot. Its finicky finding the right string and gently backing out the loop but afterwards it pulls off with an easy, satisfying zip. Makes you feel like a pro, and if anyone was ever watching, you'd look like a pro.

Maybe the one in 20 lucky bag had the first loop come undone during shipping?

If you have a box cutter handy, its quicker to use it than to mess with the string.

I liked the tear-off closure on the Kingsford. It was definitely easier than the string.
Like Darrel said, you have to start with the ed of the weave that has the "tail" on it. Back out the first strand inside the knot, I usually use the tip of my pocketknife blade, and after that you can pretty much pull the string through like a pro. It does take a little practice to be able to see which side(left/right) to start the string with. Time and practice is all it takes. I'm 35 and my dad showed me how to do it when I was a kid, back when Kingsford was cool, and I always was the one to open a new bag when we got one after that.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jane Cherry:
It's been quite a few years, but I too, only ripped a good one occasionally! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I too occasionally rip a good one
. On another subject, When I get those strings to pull apart I feel a great sense of accomplishment. Maybe 1 in 10 is my record.
I haven't been able to pull the top off in years. Some engineer probably improved it with out R&D. I just use my good ole military issue K-bar to just cut the whole top off. Kinda puts me in the frame of mind that the session is under way.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by tmfast:
I haven't been able to pull the top off in years. Some engineer probably improved it with out R&D. I just use my good ole military issue K-bar to just cut the whole top off. Kinda puts me in the frame of mind that the session is under way. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like the way you think. I use one of my old K-Bars when I'm cookin to help split the chunks that I put in my smoker. I use my SAK Champ to open the bags(just clip the long end of the string and pull)if I'm using Lump. New K I can just rip one and pour.
I have one K-BAR dedicated to BBQ. I use it to open charcoal bags, split bibber chunks, and what ever else comes along. Its always in my grilling area.
I haven't tried for a "Clean Pull" in years, I had given up thinking that the stiching had been changed or something.

After reading this thread I undid the first loop on my B&B and ripped the best one ever!

On bag two I noticed that the first loop wasn't even that tight unlooped it and ripped another clean one!

Excelent weekend 2 for 2!
Well, last nite I went to open up my lump from BBQ's Galore. I had such a hard time, I had to go get my scissors and cut the top clean off. I could not for the life of me get anything unlooped so it would pull at all. I'm destined to a life of scissors!
I always have a pocket knife and have always just cut the tops off. After reading this I kind of want to try the ripcord just for the heck of it. Never have really given it a second thought until now.

