Kettle Temps?



TVWBB Emerald Member
Today was my third cook on my OTP and I'm trying to learn the temps. With coals piled up on one side for an indirect cook, what vent settings do you use to get the highest temps. I tried different settings today during a whole chicken cook and saw different things. It seemed like setting the top vent halfway and the bottom vents cracked open it maxed out. When I tried all vents wide open (which I figured would give the highest temps) the temps fell off. I then throttled them and the temp came back. The wind was blowing off and on which I'm sure effected it as well. I was using the ET-732 to measure the temps. I'm learning and there may not be a set way to control the temps but I was looking for any ideas. I was using Stubbs briquettes. Thanks for any advice. Hope this makes sense.
The highest temperatures are normally achieved when both vents are wide open. On the cool side of the grate (where the food sets) typical temperatures of 350-400 should be achievable. I also have the Maverick 732 and I am talking about food grate temperature. I use a couple of fire bricks to separate the coals and keep them on one side.

Neil, I've noticed the same thing with vent settings in windy conditions, as least with fully engaged briquettes. It should be only temporary, though. In other words, while the wind is cooling your grill off, shutting the vents some, especially the top vent, holds more heat in, increasing the temp temporarily. At least that seems to be what happens. In any case though, unless the charcoal is starting to burn down and lose btu's, temps should eventually "catch up" with the vents at 100%.

I've measured the same temps as Robert mentions above, but can get closer to 450* for crispy indirect wings without the firebricks. I take the Weber charcoal baskets apart and put them next together as sort of an adjustable rail.
Neil, I went out for a cruise with the big guy and buried the needle but I have not checked the lid thermometer with my Mavarick although I can tell you it was pretty hot. Bottom of page 4 of the thread. Lower vents wide open using lump charcoal. One unlit chimney under one lit chimney. Note the top vent position. I have not hit those temps with the 22.
Using firebricks and foil (similar to Robert's picture but with foil covering the grate where there isn't any charcoal), I get higher temps than with Robert's setup alone. Highest temps with all vents wide open.
When cooking on the OTS I also foil the side of the charcoal grate opposite the charcoal to get best temps. I don't think I get higher temps with the vents choked but I am going to start paying more attention now.
When cooking on the OTS I also foil the side of the charcoal grate opposite the charcoal to get best temps. I don't think I get higher temps with the vents choked but I am going to start paying more attention now.

I found with the 22 a wide open top vent let too much heat escape but I have not foiled the charcoal grate where there is no charcoal. That would certainy create a chimney effect. Good idea Dwain.

Should also mention in my link above I was using a CI grate for charcoal and I'm sure that helped to hold heat as opposed to the charcoal grills Weber uses.
I cook a lot of chicken and lamb with the setup like Robert's. One can of Stubb's and all vents wide open usually generates 400 and up on the dome.

It's my favorite way to cook. Quick, don't have to tend to it, you can add smoke wood if wanted (cherry with lamb is great), and you can spread the coals at the end and crisp up over direct heat.

I got a neighbor with nice tools to saw off a piece of one brick so they don't have to overlap.
Using firebricks and foil (similar to Robert's picture but with foil covering the grate where there isn't any charcoal), I get higher temps than with Robert's setup alone. Highest temps with all vents wide open.

Agree 100%

