Kettle Handle burned me, why?



TVWBB Super Fan
Does anyone know what might be causing the problem w/ a kettle i used (friends) this weekend? The coals were hot/ready so I spread them, put the grate on and 5 min later, added my chicken with the lid closed. I came back 20 min later to flip the chicken and the lid handle (plastic/grey) on the 22 One Touch was so hot it burned my hand. I own two kettles and have never had this happen and don't know what the issue is. Was using a normal amt of regular kingsford charcoal blue bag.
I have the regular white handles on my OTG which I painted black a few yrs ago. Yea they can get quite hot, I usually do a touch feel thing to see if I need to use a towel or folded up glove.
Hope the burn was not that bad.
Mine gets hot too and I always use a glove when I am going to raise the top. Look at a Performer and you will notice that the handle on the lid is different and doesn't get hot like the standard 22" handle.
Ok. I primarily use a platnium/performer and the handle gets warm but never hot. This was shockingly hot. They may have put too much charcoal and I'm now believing the lid may not fit properly, causing more airflow and therfore hotter temps b/c as i think about it, the chicken was burned and over cooked in the same amt of time i regularly grill it at home.
I admit that I may have "tender hands" (at least compared to my wife) but my OTG is ALWAYS too hot to comfortably handle. I use a grill glove, nearly always. I have a sneaking suspicion that those older Kettles with wooden handles may be better in that regard. There was someone on this Forum that was making wood handles for sale. The O.P. might want to look into that for a solution...

That is my one gripe about my OTG.

I consider a handle that gets too hot to grab to be a design defect, when we know they could make it from other material that does not get so hot.
Mine get hot too. I have a slide-a-side that minimizes the amount of holding I have to do. A glove would be a good solution.
I wonder if the orientation of the lid has an effect - the heat coming out of the lid vent may be blowing toward, or away from, the handle depending on the prevailing breeze. BTW, if you want hot, try adjusting the one-touch vent handle from the opposite side of the grill and letting your forearm come into contact with the bowl. (Guess how I know.)
I've noticed the same thing when I have the lid deliberately off a little for extra airflow. The coals get extremely hot, but so does the lid. Either that or hot air heats the handle. So maybe the lid is leaking?

