"K" Code Red Makeover


Bob Whitney

I picked this up in January I think, in Newport Beach. Poor thing was kept outside and abused it's whole life. I wanted it for the bale and thermo for another project. I put in the backyard and forgot about for a few days and one late afternoon I went out back and saw it had one of the best fades I'd seen on a Red so I decided to give it go. These are the Before Pics.

3 months later and way more money and time then I think it's worth.

Think I'm keeping it. Thanks for looking.
Looks great. Remember, it is not really about what you spent, it is really about is it valuable to you. Sounds as though it has value to you. You did a great job restoring it. Congrats on a job well done.
Beautiful job! I have a red just like that, love what you did w/ the legs and the wheels, i may have to do something similar! Great looking red!
I spent years in the jewelry business and people always asked if I got nervous holding so much value in my hands. I simply replied " Really, it's only worth that if someone writes a check or steals it!" The value have in "Red" is yours and yours alone. I understand completely, I have been tweaking the "upgrade" on my set up since last fall and, it's almost finished. A little paint and a few more touches and I will try to stop. Yes, I said TRY.

