Just to let you all know...


Phil R.

TVWBB All-Star
Don't get your hopes up for winning the WSM Chris is giving away...that baby has my name written all over it!

One WSM is great, but TWO...think what I could do with that baby! Enter competitions, cure world hunger, open a place like "Bola"
, the opportunities are endless!

O.k., so maybe I'm getting a little ambitious. But that's o.k., cause I know that beautiful new baby will be mine!

P.S. You guys DID enter the contest, right?
Didn't know there was one. Just found it.

But I'l tell you--I saw the post title (Just to let you all know...) and I thought great, he's going tell us he's Bobby Flay's cousin or something.

I'm good at the craps tables, fair at blackjack but other than that...

Thanks for the heads up. If you win it's "Party at Phil's house!" and we're all invited. Right?
Come on. We ALL won already. We discovered this site and our trusty, dependable, fun cookin' Weber Smokey Mountains.

Yep, party's at my house. I'll get the butts.

Think you guys can spring for the beer? I'm partial to Trippel myself, but any ol trappist ale will do.
BTW, we'll be needing about 100 of those 16 ounce bottles @ $6.99 a pop...ohhh, this could get expensive. Susan, can I sign you up to bring the beer?

Seriously, I HIGHLY doubt my chances. Recently, the only things I've "won" have been speeding tickets and an IRS audit
So, I actually don't feel very lucky.
Unfortunately the fine print says US residents only. I don't think Chris has a choice on that front. The link is on the home page.
Seeing as I'm really from Washington State and not B.C., Canada, I'm also entered and looking to win a second WSM. Then I'll have to get another Mason modification so my two will match!
Originally posted by James Tucker:
What's this about winning a WSM ??? Can a Canadian win too ??? I can't find the post.

Tell you what James, I'll let you register, but put MY address down. If you win, I'll keep it here until you can get to Pa. to pick it up. Of course, I'll have to break it in for you.
For all the Canadian smokers if you have any family or friends here in the states get them to enter. If they would happen to win then they could send it up North once they recieve the prize.

