That hood is not stainless steel imo. It's the smoke gray porcelain color they came out with. Looks like SS but much easier to care for. As for photos it would be so much nicer of we could just drag and drop them into the site like on other forums. This 3rd party stuff is ridiculous
As other sites do this one could simply place a size limit. With modern compression techniques it would not require that much. Most sites even have automated resizing when you post. It would make this site so much easier to use
I would recommend doing rust treatment inside the bottom legs even if they seem ok. Water has a way of collecting over the casters and eventually eating through. I see dozens of these that are otherwise functional but which have to be propped up with bricks!
I’ll work on the pictures on Monday! A little busy tomorrow running the WSM and watching football. Project update. I used some stainless steel cleaner I found I had for the kitchen fridge. I used the kitchen sponge and went with the grain. 99% of the crud came off. Down side was I uncover where the previous owner tried to clean it. Lots of swirl marks from someone using an circular motion with some abbrasive.
New question arises today, what is the best way to purchase parts from rcplanebuyer? From his ebay account or direct from him? I read in another thread people were buying direct.