Just ordered my weber


Norman Stein

New member
Hi everyone,

I just ordered a WSM from amazon, it should be here by wednesday at the latest.

I'm planning on doing ribs this coming weekend, I was wondering if there is a break in burn that I need to do, and if there is, how long. I would have to do it thursday or friday night to be ready for ribs on saturday.

Also, i'm a rookie at this, I used an offset smoker last year, and it took all season to make good ribs. Any suggestions on a method to use, on the offset i used the minion method.

I use lump charcoal, how many chimneys should I use for an anticipated 6 hour cook time.

I'd appreciate any additional tips or suggestions you may have.

Oh, almost forgot, i'm in NY, so the temp will probably be around 50 or so on saturday.


Norman, a new WSM cooks hotter because the smoke and grease has not built up inside on the shiny surface. It will build up after a few long cooks and you'll be better able to rely on temps, but you don't really need a test cook. Also remember lump cooks hotter than briquettes so mind your temps as they go up which is easier than getting them to go down. Usually a chimney full of hot coals and a chimney full of unlit on top of the lit will suffice for your rib cook. WSM's can hold temps a LONG time with not too much fuel. See this link for baby backs ribs. Easy on the smoke wood, just 2 or 3 fist sized chunks of a usually mild wood. Your ribs are ready when you can pass a toothpick through the meat between the bones and the texture is like butter. Look around the site--there's tons of information on ribs. Good luck and keep us posted on your results.
Welcome Norman
I'm not to experienced with lump, so I'll let others answer those questions. No need to do a "burn-off" with your new smoker. Your going to love this little smoker. I'm to the point that every Sunday when the paper comes out with all the ads, I grab them first to see where/what meats are on sale that week, then stock up! Keep us posted about your first cook!
Have fun!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content"> I'm to the point that every Sunday when the paper comes out with all the ads, I grab them first to see where/what meats are on sale that week, then stock up! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Glad to see Im not the only one doing this! I also check online when the local slaughter house comes out with thier specials on Wednesdays.
Welcome Norman, and good luck with your first smoke - and like others have said, there is no reason to do a "burn in" before you cook.
Hey there Norman, and as everyone else says...
"Welcome to your new addiction."

My name is Scott. And I barbeque.
Norman, I'm no expert, but I've used lump the last 3 times I cooked. I just fill the charcoal ring to the top. After I finish cooking, I shut all the vents and the fire goes out, and I use the remaining lump next time. This works whether I'm cooking ribs, butt, or anything in between.
Thanks everyone for the tips.

I'm surprised theres no burn in required, but I will take note of the expected hotter burn the first few times.

With that in mind, and since lump tends to burn hotter, i'll fill 1/2 way to start. I figure if I need to add more i'll do it when the ribs get wrapped at the 3 hour mark, that way theres no flying ash danger.

Also, theres a possibility of rain on saturday, any special steps I should take? It'll be well shielded from any wind, but any worries on it getting wet?

Thanks again everyone,

Norman, rain is not usually a problem (I know, I live in Wshington state!). Wind is the bigger problem and if you're shielded, you've got that problem under control. Good luck!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Mark Silver:
Norman, rain is not usually a problem (I know, I live in Wshington state!). Wind is the bigger problem and if you're shielded, you've got that problem under control. Good luck! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I totally agree with this. Rain isn't a problem. The only problem I've had with the WSM is the vents facing windward. It didn't mess with the food much but it threw the heat up about 25 degrees. Now, 25 degrees isn't much when you catch it but it's a ton on a 12-20 hour cook. Close the windward hatches!
Thanks for the info...

So I dont have to worry about the rain, and I think i'm good with any potential wind problem I'll be shielded on 3 sides.

Good news, got an email saying it was shipped, est delivery is on wednesday. Think i'll do a quick salmon wednesday night.

Just one additional question, anyone know the temp difference between the thermometor and the top grate? I ordered a BBQguru as well, but I dont think it'll get here by friday for saturdays ribs. I might be cooking 'blind'.
It arrived yesterday!

The BBQ guru was also delivered!!

Everything is all set for ribs on saturday. I want to thank everyone for their input.

I'll let you know the results.

I always use the 3-2-1 method (usually do spares) from this site, use some local rub, and use sassafras wood for ribs. MMMMMM!

