Just finished an overnight



New member
I just finished my first packer and first overnight and first time using the Minion method and... well that's enough.

Wow! The Minion method was great. I thought temperature control was ok before. That worked great overnight. Once it settled in, stayed within 15deg all night. With something this good, you'd think there would be hundreds of posts and a page dedicated to describing it.
I could have probably slept all night without checking it.

The meat is in the cooler now. I don't know how it tastes, but it smells wonderful and felt more tender than the flats I have done in the past. I will know more when I get home from church. In the meantime, I need more coffee.


Sounds like your first overnighter was a good one. It took me a while before I could sleep while I had the cooker going all night, but it's no problem now. Meat on at 10p, everything stable by 11, and off to bed. The thermo needle is always where it's supposed to be when I get up!

Hope your brisket turns out well, too. What time should we be there for lunch??

Oops. Did I forget to back to you before lunch?

It turned out excellent. I just finished a sandwich with the last of what I didn't freeze.


