Just Doodling...TVWBB Club Stickers


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I started this new thread and carried over a post I did on an earlier thread about the idea of having stickers for our unofficial, special interest clubs. It kind of started with my jokes about a "Skyline Club," but there are many possibilities.


I am not artist, so these are just a first draft of sorts. Any feedback or suggestions would be welcome.

One thing I noted was that on an open cart Genesis, there really aren't many places you could put a sticker. Most of the flat metal gets too hot. On a grill with a closed cart, you could put them inside the door or cabinet...or even on the outside if you really want to advertise your club membership:o!
I like those Jon. What about a cartoonish type of theme (Except for maybe the SKYLINE).
Great idea Jon. I would be interested in something like that.

I like those Jon. What about a cartoonish type of theme (Except for maybe the SKYLINE).

There is a guy on WKC that has been playing around with some of the old style CARtoon type
drawings with Webers. I can't find the link at the moment though.

Similar to this style of drawing --
Well, I am definitely in over my head with this stuff and have to get back to taxes...but here are some updated ones:


I can't draw, so if you want the highly graphic cartoon images, it will take someone who can. As it is, probably couldn't get by with the Daphne cartoon image.
Dave: Yes sir. That would look cool with a gas grill motif complete with flames coming out of it.....hahaha

Jon, those are getting there. I would like logos that are fun while still holding an allegiance to Weber gas grills.
Don't get caught up in it now though. You have to get those taxes done. Just a month or so to go now. Then the fun begins.
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Yup, I like them also...especially if you make one for the blue hood.

Chris, what do you think? I think they're on to something with these stickers. Not sure how far you'd like to go with this idea buy maybe one for the kettles, Qs, WSMs, etc...?
If chris picks it up for the entire website, it could be added to the TVWBB gear selection and hopefully produce some more revenue to offset the web site hosting expenses.
If chris picks it up for the entire website, it could be added to the TVWBB gear selection and hopefully produce some more revenue to offset the web site hosting expenses.

Yup, that's what I was also thinking. They could also be used as part of the items for the monthly drawing and stuff like that. I also like the stickers because of the advertising aspect of it, just put one (or a couple) on your vehicle's bumper and you're set!

