Just Assembled


Alan F

I just assembled a new 18.5" and am curious about a few things.

<STRIKE>Why are there two holes in the very bottom lip of the midsection?

Why are there two holes near the top of the water pan?</STRIKE>

Why does the top grate only lay flat in one position?

Any reason why the cover is so tight and stops at the heat shield? It sure looks like rain will be directed into the shield and will begin to rust.

Weber customer service didn't know or seem to have reasonable answers to these questions.

Thanks for the help.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Alan F:
Why are there two holes in the very bottom lip of the midsection?

Why are there two holes near the top of the water pan? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

The water pan is hung by this hole during the porcelain enamel finishing process.

Ok, I see this now.
I get mine in tomorrow. Any things I need to be on the look out for? Is it a fairly straight through assembly.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Alan F:
I just assembled a new 18.5" and am curious about a few things.

Why does the top grate only lay flat in one position?

Any reason why the cover is so tight and stops at the heat shield? It sure looks like rain will be directed into the shield and will begin to rust.

Weber customer service didn't know or seem to have reasonable answers to these questions.

Thanks for the help. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

What do you mean top grate lay flat in one position? It lays flat on the tabs.

The cover should go over the legs, almost to the bottom. Can you post a pic of what you are seeing? The heat shield will be warrantied for 2 years if it starts rusting. Then again, it's a heat shield to protect whatever is beneath it. If you're on concrete or have a grill pad, I wouldn't worry about it. Then again, it's aluminum, so it shouldn't rust. Then again, if it rains, when it's done raining, remove the heat shield and dump out any water that collects.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jack Bordeaux:
If it rains, when it's done raining, remove the heat shield and dump out any water that collects. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>The heat shield has a weep hole in the bottom, so any rain that collects will run out. As stated by Jack, it's aluminum and won't rust.

The cover is tight because it has elastic along the edge in an attempt to provide some closure along the bottom. I preferred the old covers without the elastic, but alas, that's how they're made today.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ruben Z:
I get mine in tomorrow. Any things I need to be on the look out for? Is it a fairly straight through assembly. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>See WSM Assembly.

The cover


The top grate is solid on the supports if the handles are aligned with the door.


But if the handles aren't aligned with the door, a 1/4" gap appears...why is this?

It should fit more snug. On the right side of the cover pic, looks like something is sticking out from the leg. And it looks like you can pull it down more. I ended up putting handles on mine (all 4 sides) and now I use the 18.5 kettle cover (light gray) from home Home Depot and it fits nice. I use the WSM cover now for the 18.5 kettle. I know people that have the original cover on their WSM and they still get water in the charcoal bowl. I would get a large garbage bag and put it over the WSM and then put the cover over it.

The grate pics, my top grate shifts around too...like you have in your pics. The important thing is that it doesn't fall through and mine has not, even with the shifting. Even though there is a 1/4" gap, there is still enough coverage on the other tabs to hold the grate. Once you get some build-up (seasoning), it won't shift as much.
If you place the top grate on a flat surface like your dining room table, does it sit perfectly flat? If not, the grate is tweaked somehow. Not a functional problem but maybe disconcerting if it seems to wobble while maneuvering meat on/off the grate. A replacement would fix that, or you can probably just place it on your thigh and bend it backwards for a better fit.

If the grate is flat, then there may be something wrong with the manufacturing of that one grill strap. I would take all 4 off and compare them. All the same length? Bends in all the same places? Holes drilled in all the same spots?

If not the grate or the grill straps, I'd look at the holes in the middle cooking section. Are they at the same height as the other 3 sets of holes? Never known this to be a problem, though.

I'd put my money on "warped grate". Let us know.

Whatever you find, if it bugs you, call Weber at 800-446-1071 and ask for a replacement part. They'll send it for free.

I just assembled mine yesterday. Yes the Grate does shift quite a bit, but mine was nice and flush though. The Bag I agree is a pain with the elastic, but that can just be CUT which I'm not sure I will do because its windy here and I can almost guarantee the wind will lift it off. The bag also doesn't go enough to cover the headsheild pan at the very bottom but who cares. Overall was a very easy assembly. Couldn't be happier with the quality of the grill.
One thing you should know is that the cover is not waterproof. Water can and will pass through the seams. Also note that the joints between smoker sections are designed so that any condensation inside the cooker will run down into the bottom section rather than drip off the edge of the lid onto whatever the WSM is sitting on. Many of us store our WSM with the middle section upside down. That way any rain that makes it through the cover will run down the outside of the smoker rather than collecting in the bottom section.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Alan F:
Thanks everybody, the top grate does not sit flush on a flat surface so weber is sending another. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't get rid of that grate (or if you do, I'll take it...)

I'd attempt to roll it as Chris mentioned to get it to work and keep the one that Weber is sending you as your spare.

I had to adjust for true roundness on my center piece on both of mine. A couple of washers did the trick on each of the bolts.

Just saying don't pitch anything...you'll never know when you need a spare.

