


New member
Hi everyone probably asking a age old question. I have a cook for a party coming up in a couple weeks. I will be smoking a pork shoulder and butt. It is a luncheon and they will be eating close to noon. The wife wants everything ready and me not cooking or pulling. So I need to do it the day before and re-heat. I am thinking of taking them to about 180 deg IT and pulling them off let them sit and cool down. I will wrap in foil and pull out the next day put in oven and bring up to 200 IT so the bones pull out and pull and sauce. Any ideas if that would work or is there a better way?
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Hi everyone probably asking a age old question. I have a cook for a party coming up in a couple weeks. I will be smoking a pork shoulder and butt. It is a luncheon and they will be eating close to noon. The wife wants everything ready and me not cooking or pulling. So I need to do it the day before and re-heat. I am thinking of taking them to about 180 deg IT and pulling them off let them sit and cool down. I will wrap in foil and pull out the next day put in oven and bring up to 200 IT so the bones pull out and pull and sauce. Any ideas if that would work or is there a better way?

If you're planning to smoke it the day before then I suggest taking it all the way until probe tender and pull it then. You can reheat it the next day. I have put mine in a low oven (200 - 225) with a little Apple juice to keep it moist.
Yep, Todd is right on the money. When pulling use a little finishing sauce and use it again to reheat.
Yeppers. Gotta agree with Todd and Kevin for a few reasons. One, the ease of getting everything ready the night before, than just re-heating when time for supper. And two food safety:
Easier & safer to cool down a pulled butt on sheet-pans, than a whole one.

The plans above are good. I would comment though that pulling on the day of get together is not that difficult. The thing to do is realize that you can hold a finished butt in a cooler for a long time. So if you're going to entertain at noon, plan on having the butts done around 8am. That gives you plenty of time to get everything cleaned up in the kitchen, shut down the smoker, take a shower or even a short nap and be ready for your guests. Then all you have to do is pull when it's time to eat. It makes an impression and even though re-heated butt is very good, a freshly pulled butt is better.

But if the wife wants everything done the day before, that's what I would do. :D

