Jacob's Brats (Wisconsin's Finest)


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Location: Appleton, Wisconsin
Specific location: Jacob's Meat Market ~ 544 North Lawe Street
Purpose: Purchase Brats
Goal: Grill to perfection


Side note:
Sliced scallions with Jacob's Brat on grill







End Result: Served on fresh brat buns with white cheddar cheese...
....a side of southern baked beans with grilled scallions...


....and corn salsa.


Successful goal?
Thank you for stoppin' by!
Really nice one Jim! Do you pick the skin of the brats? Why does mine always crack? Last time i had a dog explode and all the meat was shot out of the skin?(first time though) And they werent "fresh" brats...Pre smoked ones.
Save me some! I'll be passing by your house around 6 pm! En route to MN to see my girl graduate at U of MN!...
Thank you everyone :o
Jacob's Brats are really the Best!

Welcome Home Kim, we missed you!

Do you pick the skin of the brats? Why does mine always crack? Last time i had a dog explode and all the meat was shot out of the skin?(first time though) And they werent "fresh" brats...Pre smoked ones.
I do nothing to the brats Daniel, well... the ONLY thing i do is lightly coat the brat with olive oil, then two mintues or so over direct heat constantly turning every two minutes (give or take)... once it "has colour", i remove them from direct heat (usually raise them from the grate) until they hit an internal temp of 160ºF.

Mine always split open. How low is your temp?
Sorry Chris:( I used a combo of Kingsford and lump, the heat was hot, butt i do not know the temp...

Save me some! I'll be passing by your house around 6 pm! En route to MN to see my girl graduate at U of MN!...
Gary! I forgot ALL ABOUT you driving by, STOP if you have time!
Liz is still in Michigan, actually arriving home about 6 or 7...
Exit 7 mile road in Racine county, drive west 1.5 miles to 51 st south 1/2 mile :)
Next time Gary:(
I'll be arriving home from work around 445-450.
Enjoy your safe travels!
Congratulations to The Graduate!

