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Joel Kiess

TVWBB All-Star
My WSM was stolen!

Sometime in the past day or so, someone stole my beloved WSM right off my patio. When not in use, it's tucked into a corner, not very visible from the street. Nothing else was missing.

I'm stunned. I can only imagine the thief/thieves knew what they wanted since carting it off took some balls and some effort. They better damn well appreciate what they've got.

Joel K, that sucks. I'd be looking around the neiborhood for the smoke signal. Did you do any mods on it that you could identify it? Just a side note you can still get the dicount on amazon till midnight. Not the Beloved WSM but it's an option.
Joel, I'm headed to Des Moines with my bloodhound and 44 magnum! We'll find that son of a gun if its the last thing I do!!
Have you asked your wife if she deep-sixed it? Perhaps you have been spending too much time with the WSM and not enough time with her?

How about your next door neighbors? Have you been remiss in not sharing your bounty?

But seriously folks, that would seriously piss me off. Sorry for your loss.
My lovely wife LOVES my barbecue - she tells me so!

Yeah - I'll be keeping an eye out around the neighborhood. And yes, I installed a 3" thermo in the dome, and I can identify that! It also had the brinkman water pan in it.

I called the cops so they would know about it. They haven't noticed any suspicious bbq theft activity lately.

Greg - what kind of kibble does your hound like? The cats won't like it but he's welcome anytime!

Thanks for the support guys!

Wow JoelK..thats a low blow. Sorry to hear about it. I'd imagine your deductible would prevent you from turning it in to your homeowners insurance...this just sucks.

ehhhh...would two 44mags be better than one?..cousin Smith and brother Wesson would love to catch up with those scoundrels.

This is a crappy way to build up karma points.

I don't think I to go much of the rest of summer without a WSM. I just got it in April but you get attached real quick. Friends and coworkers will be sad too.

$154 with the discount huh? hmmm.
Keep your eyes open for any smoke and follow it to its source....it'll either be a good clue to find the perpetrator or you'll make some new 'Q'n friends.

Seriously, though, it's a dastardly thing to make off with someone's WSM. Did you promise the police some BBQ if they found it? I'm not suggesting a bribe, of course, but just a friendly "thank you."

Good luck, and we'll be tuning in for progress reports,
You know the scumbag that stole it has no clue how to use it, no real BBQ fan would steal. Keep an eye on the ads in the paper and ask local pawn shops if some druggie is trying to pawn it. GOOD LUCK!!
Oh, was that YOURS? I thought you were throwing it out.

Ok, sorry----that is TERRIBLY upsetting. Any kind of theft feels like I violation, but your WSM??? That's just plain WRONG.

I always worry about mine, sitting out there so pretty with its nice weber cover on it, practically asking to be swiped. I've taken to hiding it around the back of the house just to be safe.
I just want to say that all the support and good humor has been great! I really appreciate it.

The cop who stopped by said even if I or they do find it, are you sure you'd want it if some bozo's been doing god knows what with it?

My wife wants me to replace it! So I guess that's it. I'm off to Amazon.

Once again : The support has been great! At the end of the day, you just have to laugh off these things and move on. You've all been a great help.

Thanks -


PS: I've got this crazy picture in my mind of all these BBQ fanatics travelling cross country in an steadily growing convoy, all fired up with guns and bloodhounds, all converging on Des Moines with the state patrol giving escort. What a sight!
WOW....my condolences Joel what a tough blow....wow I just got mine 3 days ago still have to carry it down to my front porch (I live upstairs of a big house).....when I get it down there I am considering chaining it down......ouch.....

Big Al
JoelK, what a terrible thing to happen, so sorry to hear.

When you retrieve it, we can all prevent this from happening again by keeping them HOT 24X7
<if only I was financially independant ....>

Sorry for your loss and hope you get it back.

Once my wife had been gone for a week and I came home for lunch to find our home had been robbed of many valuable and unreplaceable antiques. You have a very sick and violated feeling and never feel totally secure again.

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