It's 3am. Do you know where your temp's are?


Richard Sharpe

New member
I'm just back from the US having picked up a Nu-Temp plus 3 probes - thanks to the great deal from this site. I can't wait to start using them on their first overnighter (though I'm not sure I sense the same enthusiasm from my wife...)

I'm be interested to hear what the general consensus is for alarm settings (assuming a target cooking temp of 225-250). To put it another way: what temperature deviation is enough to get YOU out of bed at 3am?!
I run mine pretty tight - 10 degrees above and below my target temp. I've been lucky in that my wsm runs pretty stable so if the temp starts going up or down, there's usually something that needs to be looked after. I guess if you really want to be certain you can sleep, you can use a guru.
200 / 260 for me too.

(kisses the Maverick)
I try to never go above 250, and as low as 210 at the lid depending on what's in there.
For a pork shoulder, I shoot for 230 at the lid, +/- 10* overnight. I haven't seen any answer on this post that will steer you wrong. All will make great Q! Yes, I use a Guru also.
Have fun.
I vote 200 to 260...I aim for tighter during the day certainly, but to get up at 3am.....I have gotten up at 7am and it was at 180...stirred it and it shot back up...just a small delay in the process not worth getting up for in my book.

I did this last nite actually...minion method...had to close the vents to <5% and it still stayed at 250F...but it was 11pm and I wanted to go to bed...figured it would drop over night was at 220 at 4am (I have wireless Maverick thermometer next to my bed!)...but at 7am it was 255! Thought that was strange to slowly drop off and then spike up again....maybe found another wood chunk buried in the coals?

My wife hates it tho...the overnight cooks.
My nutemps all run 5-8 degrees cold so after waking up and doing the math in my head they are still at 28 degrees.....oh wait there is no food in the cooker tongight.....
Yeah - I figure that my day time and night time tolerances will vary a little too

Thanks for all the responses. Nice to know what people are doing!
Since I have figured out how to make the Guru behave, I do not worrry. It will keep the temps +/- 5 degrees and I sleep well through the night. (0f course, the *@!%#& GURU alarm woke me (AND THE BRIDE) up a few times at 3 an 4.)

