Ist smoke on my OTG



New member
Did 2 racks of St Louis ribs on my day off today. Its my 1st smoke on my new Weber OTG .
Used Applewood chips on this one.

I think I'm really rusty at this stuff, as I'm just getting back into this.

2 racks, cut in half, rubbed with a store bought rub(Emerils Rib Rub) and placed in my new weber rib rack.
I used the potato to hold my thermometer sensor at just above grill level.

Sauced at 4hrs, had to go to my kids lacrosse game (Sweet Baby Rays Honey BBQ, BTW)


Finished product of a 5 hr smoke. Honestly.....I just CANT understand

As I mentioned earlier, I'm a bit rusty.

I was pretty much able to keep temps between 230-260 the whole cook except for that last hour or so. It apparently dropped to about 200-210 when a took off to watch my son play lacrosse.

I did not foil or anything like that because I'm still trying to learn that technique( I still consider myself a smoke newbie) But I will try that in the future.

Here's the thing, the ribs were quite tasty and pulled away from the bone cleanly, not falling off like mush. I personally prefer rib you can bite into and have something to chew on. That being said, although they had good flavor( Lord knows I ate more than my I felt they were a little dry. One of my sons agreed with me, my wife and other 2 boys said they were just fine.

I did use a half full water pan and spritzed them with apple juice every hour or so.

Any ideas of what I could have done different?

Thanks for looking .

I made the Bacon Donuts I saw another member post in this forum a week or so back....but I did use the oven

Very tasty.....just a pain in the(you know what) to wrap them

PSS- The beer was Original Coors and the music was mainly Allman Brothers and Rush on this cook
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Its like riding a bike, you will be back in top form before you know it. I'd eat some of those ribs and donuts too.
Holy barbecue Weber Man. That's some good looking ribs. I'm like you, I like to chew my ribs.
Those bacon doughnuts are out of bounds. I also saw them the other day, but had to hold back and try and be a little healthy.
Maybe next weekend. LOL
Ribs look good to me.

Maybe next time start checking for probe tenderness at the 4 hour mark.
Keep cooking and you will find your own method.
Ribs look good and the bacon donuts are great you made a lot of them and I know that took some time. I started cutting back on my rib cook time as stated above 4 hours some times does depending on the cut.

