Good morning - My brother is a Weber "enthusiast" and has several pristine old Weber gas grills. My crappy Charbroil is end of life so I was looking at new grills, and he encouraged me to look on CL and FB for an older Weber instead. I found a few and this one in particular looks perfect. I do recall that back "before they switched to N-S burners" that most of the Webers were considered really great grills. (I have an old Weber Q we use for camping and I love that thing)
This one is near me for $200 asking. NG not LP - I do have NG stubbed out of my house, would just need to run it under the deck to my grill, which should be easy. My brother says he thinks this was his favorite model/type/age as they used to have one at his old job that they cooked "Tons of sausage, chicken, etc on every Friday and it was the best grill ever"
A few questions:
- My best guess is that this is a EP310 NG, about late 2000's? Any help on age?
- Current owner bought it for her son when he got his first house (Used? no idea). Used for a bit, but then he got married and his wife did not like the color. So it went back to the parents house where it has been since. They have their own Weber Genesis and do not need it. Seems to be in good shape - anyone notice anything?
- I'm gong to look at it today at 3pm, what should I check - I cannot test it since it is not hooked up.
- She said I could leave a $100 deposit and take it to test it if I wanted.
For new, I was considering "the best grill I could get for $899 or less". Which was going to be the E325 Genesis or Rogue 425 Napoleon. My brother convinced me that for the money I'd be better off with an older Weber. (His opinion is not great on the newest models either).
Do you think this is a better choice? Certainly fits the budget more!
I've never had a grill this nice, and never with the E-W burners, although again my brother swears by the E-W thing. How different does it cook?
Is this a good model, or should I look around more? Price good?
Definitely I like the nice stainless grates, I never have had good luck long term with cast.
Thanks for any/all advice!!

This one is near me for $200 asking. NG not LP - I do have NG stubbed out of my house, would just need to run it under the deck to my grill, which should be easy. My brother says he thinks this was his favorite model/type/age as they used to have one at his old job that they cooked "Tons of sausage, chicken, etc on every Friday and it was the best grill ever"
A few questions:
- My best guess is that this is a EP310 NG, about late 2000's? Any help on age?
- Current owner bought it for her son when he got his first house (Used? no idea). Used for a bit, but then he got married and his wife did not like the color. So it went back to the parents house where it has been since. They have their own Weber Genesis and do not need it. Seems to be in good shape - anyone notice anything?
- I'm gong to look at it today at 3pm, what should I check - I cannot test it since it is not hooked up.
- She said I could leave a $100 deposit and take it to test it if I wanted.
For new, I was considering "the best grill I could get for $899 or less". Which was going to be the E325 Genesis or Rogue 425 Napoleon. My brother convinced me that for the money I'd be better off with an older Weber. (His opinion is not great on the newest models either).
Do you think this is a better choice? Certainly fits the budget more!
I've never had a grill this nice, and never with the E-W burners, although again my brother swears by the E-W thing. How different does it cook?
Is this a good model, or should I look around more? Price good?
Definitely I like the nice stainless grates, I never have had good luck long term with cast.
Thanks for any/all advice!!