Is there such a thing as gloss high heat grill paint?

Don't feel bad Jim. More than once I have cleaned the entire inside of a lid and started cleaning the outside before I realized there was something significant wrong with it to the point I junked it and had start over on another lid. I hate cleaning the inside of lids right behind cleaning out the inside of the cook box, so starting over really depresses me.
Well after reading Andrews thread I am really feeling back of the pack. He did a great job w his resto. Ive gotta step up my game!!!! Dont count me out......I dont like redheads....Im a green topper! I will show her off soon ...she will be smooth and uniform.
Luv the greenies! Its what gave me the illness........Weberitiveitis
Another beautiful resto by you.......
I don't think I saw one the first year I did rehabs, but the last couple years, I have done several. Personally, I don't really care for the color. I never have liked green, but I live in the middle of Green Bay Packerland and I think maybe that makes them a bit more desirable with the buyers around here. I have never have any trouble unloading one. I have another Silver B Green lid with the more rounded front waiting for a body.
Well personally I like the richer newer color green but yes I prefer any green over red......And the blue in your sig would be very cool.
That's a very nice one! I actually like green. I have a couple of the newer style, darker hoods awaiting a home as well. I like them but I think I like the older, lighter green like this one you just did. I hope you did well :cool: !

I don't doubt that the Packer connection added some appeal. I wanted to try that with teal and black (on a Weber Q) but not much interest in Miami Dolphins (or Miami Marlins) anything right now😬!
Another option...I found that using the VHT Flameproof paint will give a little bit of a textured feeling. I used it on a firebox last week and it looks / feels great. It's more expensive than the Rustoleum. Rustoleum gives a really smooth feel and VHT gives a little texture, not like a factory Weber, but more that Rustoleum.

You can buy this paint cheaper at local Auto Parts stores.
Thank you for yet another great suggestion. I got busy at work so havent tinkered on the grill in a couple of days. I did pick up a donor I just need to chose a direction and run with it.

