Rick P TVWBB Pro Yesterday at 10:30 AM #41 My wife and I enjoy it immensely...except for the cringe-worthy mother/daughter dynamic which adds nothing to the series but awkwardness. That and those overly long weepy scenes with Ariana and Cooper.....
My wife and I enjoy it immensely...except for the cringe-worthy mother/daughter dynamic which adds nothing to the series but awkwardness. That and those overly long weepy scenes with Ariana and Cooper.....
M MarkCuda TVWBB All-Star Yesterday at 10:35 AM #42 I was blown away on the cartel scene where Tommy was getting beat up badly and got rescued by a bigger cartel boss Yes, the mother daughter thing is ridiculous
I was blown away on the cartel scene where Tommy was getting beat up badly and got rescued by a bigger cartel boss Yes, the mother daughter thing is ridiculous
Steve Hoch TVWBB Hall of Fame Yesterday at 10:40 AM #43 My wife was watching it the other night. She said it was good.