Is 24 hours the limit for graphing?


Tony L-Iowa

I'm at 22 hours into a packer Brisket smoke. It's getting close to 190º internal temperatures but got me wondering if the limit of the HM was 24 hours of data collection? Here is my current graph:

Yah, graphs roll over at 24hrs... IDK if previous data is available or archivable but the live display graph time is 24hrs...
Yeah you've really got that PID dialed in!

There is a 24 hour limit on data collection. The "database" is actually a fixed size so when you hit 480x 3 minute average points it starts to roll.
This is an electric smoker so I'm not sure if PID parameters really need to be significantly dialed in (the Smokin-It smokers have really good insulation)? It's funny because I didn't really "calibrate" my PID at all. I seen some PID numbers posted on these forums and I started with them. I did a rib smoke with the original numbers and slightly changed those PID values for this brisket. I'm using:

On another note... This 24 hour smoking session measured 9.35 kWh on my kill-a-watt meter. It's cheap to cook with electric! :)

