Intro... Let's Do This



New member
Hi guys! I've been wanting to get into smoking some BBQ for a couple of years and finally jumped in and bought a WSM 18" this week. My wife and I have 3 kids, ages 5, 3 and 1, so it's been really frustrating for me not having time for my hobbies-- fishing, boating, cycling, Crossfit, guitar, etc. So I am pretty excited to be able to do something that looks like a lot of fun and (and tasty fun at that). I LOVE good BBQ. As a bonus, we are having a decent sized 4th of July party, so I am hoping to be able to provide some really awesome food.

The first smoke I will be doing is the mustard pork butt recipe found on this site. I picked up a nice 10lb butt at a warehouse store last night and went to work with cutting fat, mustarding and rubbing. My wife was in shock, as I barely ever cook. The only thing I could say was "I'm rubbing my butt so I can pull my pork" :p . I am planning to fire it up tonight and leave over night. I will be using water as well as a dual wireless probe. I am a little worried about leaving it going overnight (what if the water runs out?), but I am hoping for the best. Also a little worried about leaving it going on a wooden deck. Besides that I am pretty psyched and hoping it turns out nicely. Very happy to have found this site and thankful for the advice found on here so far, as well as the youtube videos.
Welcome, Michael, and you picked a great recipe to start! Read all you can on this site, make a plan for your cook, then relax and let the WSM do it's job. Let us know how it turns out!

Welcome aboard! I'm a newbie here, too. Also a CrossFitter. I just got my WSM 18" a couple of days ago and was thinking about doing a butt this weekend, too. (If weather allows, it's supposed to be a crappy weekend.) Good luck!! Can't wait to see how it turns out!
Welcome to the Family !

A couple of gems for you...
On this site, read about and follows instructions on the Minion Method.
When it sez fill the basket full, it means full to the brim. One can never have enough unlit coals.
Patience is a virtue when cooking BBQ !

Wishing you an excellent cook with delicious results.
Welcome indeed MichaelP! I too have three small kids (5, 2, & 7 months) and an 18" WSM! And my first cook was a pork butt (at least I think it was, that was many sleepless nights ago... sleepless cause of the aforementioned 3 small kids, not cause of the smoker, that this is pretty rock solid on an overnight cook)! Looks like we have a lot in common.

Anyway, another thing to keep in mind is to beware of the stall! It's real, but as long as you know it's coming it shouldn't freak you out too much. Although if you're doing an overnighter, then you'll probably sleep right through it.

Regardless, welcome and have fun!
Thanks for the well wishes and encouragement! One thing I did notice is that the door on the new WSM is not flush to the grill (not close to air tight, air definitely will get in). Are you supposed to try and bend the door to fit or just roll with it?
If done gently, you can bend the door back into shape. You want to end up with a radius that is just a hair less than the middle section. So that when closed, the very slight force required to latch the door will pull it into final snugness...
The butt is on and I can def see some smoke coming out of the crack in the door. Will just have to adjust vents accordingly
How did it go? We need photos! lol

BTW... Don't let the door drive you nuts. It's really no big deal to have smoke leaking all over the place.
The butt is on and I can def see some smoke coming out of the crack in the door. Will just have to adjust vents accordingly

A bit of leakage around the door is no big deal. As long as you can get adequately low temperature by shutting down the bottom vents the cooker is capable of doing whatever you need.
All was well and good overnight. In the morning, the grate temp was 180 and the meat temp 163. Went to stir the coals and found them to be almost totally depleted. Not sure why, only reason I could think of is that I used a full water bowl. Or maybe the door leakage? So I fired up a full starter and put the coals in with tongs. Probably should have added a stack of unlit as well. Had to go to kids' soccer but the temp was climbing. Came back 3 hours later and temps were back down and coal depleted. So this time I loooaded it up with unlit and only 15 lit, and I was good to go. Took the butt off when it was at 196 and wrapped it in double foil then into the cooler. Two hours later unwrapped it and started shredding. WOW. Best pulled pork I've ever had, no question. Using BBQ sauce never even crossed my mind. Funny part was, it was just me and the kids, wife was out with friends. So I called my neighbors over for a taste and they were blown away too. Took a while to pull the pork but got a huge tray full. Had company later that night and the next day and it was still really great when reheated. Had some charcoal left so threw a chocolate cinnamon apple on and that was good as well. Cleaned it out today and there were still some hot coals. Next time will remember to take out middle grate if not using, and also foil line the bowl. A little perplexed on the coals going out. Maybe will not use water next time.... got lots of good pics, will have to load then when I have a chance!!! Definitely happy overall with the first smoke, all 16 hours of it haha.
Michael, that sounds awesome! Happy you got your first smoke with the WSM in! Just finished my first WSM smoke the other day as well! Looks like we've both fell in love with it!
Michael, that sounds awesome! Happy you got your first smoke with the WSM in! Just finished my first WSM smoke the other day as well! Looks like we've both fell in love with it!

It's a game changer for sure!! Good bye to rushed hockey puck burgers and ordering giant deli subs for parties! Doing ribs next weekend and probably brisket the next. Then going to work on figuring out a game plan for the 4th of July party. Would be nice to get some variety going and have it all come off around the same time.
Michael, sounds very much like my first cook years ago when I found this site, try putting some cased sausage on if you have room on the grate, it only takes and hour or so and it is great for lunch while you are waiting for the butts to finish.

good luck Steve
Will have to try some sausage for sure!!! Here are pics from the weekend

Yum yum yum! And it's since been eaten and enjoyed

