Richard Diaz
I'm cooking my first butt tonight. I've already trimmed and seasoned, plan on putting on around 10pm at 250 degrees until done. It's a 7 lb bone in but from Publix. I've read several postings and I have seen a lot of "pull at 190 wrap in towels or foil and place in a cooler for a couple of hours" and "once at 190 check and re-check until the meat is tender and the blade comes out cleanly." I like the pulling out the blade cleanly theory as its a good gauge of when it is done. If I wait until the blade comes out cleanly can I let it sit on my counter top with an aluminum foil tent for an hour then pull apart? If I pull at 198 then put in a cooler it will continue cooking and turn to mush. Or should I just pull at 190, warp in towel or aluminum foil and place in the cooler. What are your thoughts? Lastly how long will it take to cook at 250?