Interesting interaction with Weber customer service


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I got lucky and picked up a once fired 18 1/2 kettle and have installed it in my work table (see avatar at left).
I want to install the "better" ash catcher to make the whole thing look more tidy, make sense?
The guy at the desk in Palatine was not much help, he said that they do not advise "Any modifications to the kettle grills as they are designed for each use specifically." OK, I get the fact they don't want to really "let" people upgrade their product but, I have stood over both models of that size (full catcher and the hubcap) and to be honest I do not see any difference in the kettle design between them. Have any of you grillaholics done this project? Will I ruin the next chicken I roast by installing a better ash collector?
I don't begrudge the company their fair profit but, come on, this is not rocket science. If I can fine tune this thing for a reasonable sum, why not.
I would love to finish this in the next couple of weeks so, your input will be greatly appreciated!

BTW, this is the first time I have ever felt shot down by the company! I'm not mad just, a little disappointed.
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No, you won't hurt anything by making the modification. But the response you got is common and has been for many years now. Weber does not promote "modding" of its grills, they want to provide spare parts for warranty claims and defective/worn-out part replacement. That's why many people have turned to sites like and where you can buy replacement parts with no questions asked.
Thanks Chris, I understand the "No Hot Rodding" from the factory but, changing out the ash catcher?! Since it's a one touch and simply had the old hubcap mess maker, this seems like something they might (almost) want people to do, it adds a huge level of safety! I have found the parts from Amazon and will probably throw myself into this project in the next few weeks. The weather people are predicting 4-6 inches of snow for tomorrow and,I have a couple of other things that will be in the way of this fun for a little bit. So, this will be on a side burner for a short while.
Again, thanks Chris, I don't feel like I'm too obsessed just mildly nuts!
I have a 18 OTS and wanted an ash catcher like a OTG. I just ordered the part from amazon. I have a newer grill and there is no drilling or anything like that required.
Tommy, you got the other one? He only had two yesterday, I ordered mine while having lunch today in freezing rain, next week "they" are saying it might get to 60 degrees! By mid week, I should be able to install the little SS gem. I liked the steel one over the aluminum for the same kind of money. This will almost complete the Hot Rodding, the new umbrella and lighting is all that's left for the foreseeable future.
I expect delivery on Monday!
Did the conversion on a 22 silver to the gold, very simple no mods needed. Got the ash catcher on Amazon.
Just thinking about the "upgrade" project Tommy, are you keeping the original leg set up?
I have modified things to remove the old tripod style legs and am not certain just how I may need to tweak the attachment so there is nothing below the bowl. Do the legs act like wedges to compress the fitting into the leg socket? If not, I suppose the simple solution is to, drill and bolt (or screw) the tabs into the sockets. All easy enough but, I really like the wedge fit using the tubes!
Good grief, I do carry on about the silly small stuff!

