Injured :(

See the bottom of that middle vertebrae? See how that think white line creeps up the vertebrae? That's your big ouch. It's a crack (fracture) or it's a chip. That needs to heal and the sooner the better. So if you go and rough it up, it's not going to heal quickly and then arthritis is going to say; "hey this looks like a nice place, think I'll settle in here." (not good)
I tried lifting (briefly) a new aquarium I bought last night.....had friends carry it but I wanted to just shift it. I felt a quick pain about mid back (nerve etc has been lower right so far), and a quick shock around the R shoulder blade. I knew it was a bad idea but u know...... (had to try)

I jogged a bit last night, mostly walked, started a sprint or two but decided I didn't want to risk anything. Friends wanted to buy me an uber late last night, didn't realize I wanted a little exercise (~3 miles with the dog).

This aquarium was found used for really cheap (some sort of basket case) and I couldn't pass it up - think it'll make a nice addition for my office.
I felt a quick pain about mid back (nerve etc has been lower right so far), and a quick shock around the R shoulder blade
That's called re-opening that fracture. You gotta avoid that at all costs, because that's the key to the arthritis lock. Once arthritis gets don't want to go there....Cool aquarium
Guess I'd better set up another appt with the doc to make sure I don't cripple myself any more.
Guess I'd better set up another appt with the doc to make sure I don't cripple myself any more.

Well I didn't... I just kept feeling better & better. I still can't (won't) lift (more than 70# today lol), I pulled the XR650L out of the garage but didn't ride it today.... prolly would've but the tags expired 2 days ago, the battery was low (only have a chance or 3 to start it, high compression piston & aggressive cam).

I read this:

so I did this: https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn....=d826a7440e5aa63aae544b70e50744a0&oe=57BE4A14

I'm doing great (compared to recent), almost back to normal but still a long time to go. I still have to be careful, it's just nice being able to sleep pain free and getting back most of my mobility...where I can move & bend etc.

I showed the x-ray to my cousin, he couldn't see any fractures or vertebrae misalignment so he recommended a PM&R/physiatrist (whatever that is).... so long as my improvements keep coming I don't think I'll be visiting any more Drs...

I can't wait to stretch my legs....this will probably be another year where I'm stuck with human power activities.... I'm OK with that :)
Glad to hear you're getting better. You are being smart to keep yourself on a short leash for a while longer. No sense reinjuring yourself or worse yet make it worse than it already is.

