I place one chimney of unlit and one chimney of lit kingsford competition briquettes. Approximately every 3hours I throw in a couple of handfuls of unlit coals while wearing welding gloves. This gives the unlit time to light. I have not noticed an odor with the unlit kcomp yet.
I got ribs down pat.
So I'm read for pork shoulder .. Only one thing stopping me. How do you keep the fire going for 13 hours with out refueling?
I Used the minion method for the ribs and I just nearly made it.
I have not noticed a smell with my unlit. I will keep a nose out for that. I do love the large door. Do you poor lit through the door from a chimney starter?
I put a coffee can in the middle and filled unlighted charcoal a round it. Put hot coals in the coffee can and then removed it.
And I still only got 4 hours out of the burn.
The temp stayed right at 225 the whole time. What am I doing wrong. I want to try a pork shoulder.
I have a WSM 22.5. Really like the grill.
Are you piling it in there pretty deep? Using briquettes in my 22.5 I fill the charcoal ring all the way, mounded, a full 18 lb bag. Then I nestle in my wood chunks, make an indent in the center, pour 1/2 to 1 chimney of lit briquettes in the center. I can get 16 to 20 hours in mid summer running at about 225 degrees without adding more, but will need to knock the ash off the coals or stir after 14 or 15 hours. In cold weather, rain, or when windy I might have to stir at 11 or 12 hours and add more briquettes, but can still get there with an addition of a handful or two of briquettes.
Not sure why you would only get 4 hours, are you filling the ring up all the way.