Ideas for 3.6 pound brisket?


Steve Duf

New member
I love the WSM smoker and have done ribs, small Boston Butts, and pork loins. I'm trying a beef brisket (3.66 lbs.) next weekend and looking for advice. How much fat do I cut off, if any? Smoke it fat side up or down? Rubs vs. Marinade? I've smoked smaller briskest and flank steaks and it was relatively easy to get them to 190 degrees with a 3 or 4 hour smoke at 230 degrees... What should I do differently with a bigger brisket? Looking forward to the replies and thanks in advance... Also planning (I.e. hoping that the weather will cooperate... Temps in the low to mid fifties). Thanks again for the suggestions.
If its that small its not the whole packer brisket w the fat cap. That'll make things difficult for you. It's going to dry up quick

Go fat side down, rub w equal parts kosher salt an black pepper. Since its just the flat, youll prob want to inject it. Mix 3/4 water w 1/4 Worcester. If you have beef broth at home, you can go for a mix of 1/3rd of each. Whatever you have left over you'll prob want to spritz the meat with. I usually don't spritz as I find it cools the meat and prolongs cooking times, but w such a small piece it's going to take a lot to keep it moist.

I'd also foil it when it hits 160-165. Spray a lot of the mixture in the meat before you foil. If for some random reason you have butcher paper lying around, wrap it in that. You'll hold your bark better

Good luck

When I smoke brisket, I usually yield (eatable meat) 45-55% of purchased weight. I buy whole briskets (flat & cap) then cut away excess marbling (fat) then apply rub and smoke. That fat keeps the meat moist during the smoke. I suspect you purchased a store trimmed (retail) cut of brisket. You may discover your 3.6 lb brisket will yield about 1 lb of dry, chewy meat because of the lack of pre-cook fat.

Next time, get a primal cut ie whole brisket or a whole flat (fat and all) then trim down yourself. There are plenty of videos on YouTube and TVWBB to show you how.

I hope this helps.. Good luck.

I just re-read your thread. If you've had success cooking smaller cuts of brisket, I would not change how you cook it. Change the marinade or rub for different flavors.

