I will just leave this here

That’s a good looking grill!
I have since added stainless shelves from Australia, but I have been waiting for months for a special handle that says "CharQ." The one in the picture was not meant for that grill and has since been used on another Q I did for my sister. If I ever get my CharQ DONE, I will post a thread about it - and then try to find the nerve to start cooking on it again! I miss that as I find them to be an easy and very effective way to do basic direct charcoal grilling. A lot more fuel efficient than the Spider Huntsman I bought.

CharQ cooking chicken strips in bbq sauce.jpeg
I just built a shelf out of cedar and attached it to the outer edge of the deck rail. Doesn't take up any deck space that way. Simple but effective. It is a 20 year old deck so I am not real worried about aesthetics.

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Thats smart Bruce! Kind of reminds me of how they do it on boats with brackets over the side. Seems kind of sketchy on a boat though. Especially if there is big waves.
I don't know if I was quick enough to beat Josh to this one --- I responded at the 22 minute mark....
I've been wanting to play with a Q to see how good they are -- $10 seems like a no brainer.
Hey Jim I don't know if you're interested but I got this guy down to $200 and told him that I'm firm at $100. It's still a good deal I just have lots of projects. If you're interested it's super close.

I have a lot of projects so I'm not willing to negotiate up very high right now. I have a couple that I'm topped out at 100. If they get back to me cool if not no big deal. The other one is in Shelton so I know you're not interested lol.

