I think I got a stubborn butt

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I noticed the "electric fence" 'rond the Q area, do you also find that the WSM will fight with others if you don't keep 'em separated.

btw: I had a similar problem over the weekend ... partly temperature not rising fast enough, and partly timing considerations. I ended up doing a 24 hour pork butt, keeping the temp fairly low for the whole time.

Yea the little cage I put around the "hot areas" keeps the puppies from becoming hot dogs. YOu know how curious 2 year old dogs can be and I have 2. It is their deck you know
I tell you it took a while but it was moist and about the best I have ever eaten. I am still eating it everyday for lunch actually. A litle habenaro tobasco and its good to go. THe webers dont fight but they do laugh at all the little gas grills in all the other yards. They really get smoking and all the gas grills cower with fear. All my webers are a team for sure.
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