I saw a Spirit on the curb with a sticker on it


Scott Smith

I was riding my bike to work today as I have been doing lately and I passed a Weber Spirit grill by the curb. I figured I would stop on the way home and check it out. I came back a couple of hours later and the town had put a neon sticker on the grill - "This item is property of XYZ township. Removing it is against the law." I did a double take because any stickers I'v seen in the past effectively say "Not our problem - Get rid of this yourself".

I rationalized that they wanted it for scrap metal and took the knobs, the grill brush, and the nice Weber cover that was stuffed underneath.
Scrappers. Waste collectors, especially municipalities, are starting to separate out and depend on scrap metal sales from curbside collection. The scrappers know this, know the routes, and are cherry picking curbside pickups just in advance of the waste trucks. Worse, in some cases, they're making a huge mess by just scattering the rest of the trash.
Scrappers. Waste collectors, especially municipalities, are starting to separate out and depend on scrap metal sales from curbside collection. The scrappers know this, know the routes, and are cherry picking curbside pickups just in advance of the waste trucks. Worse, in some cases, they're making a huge mess by just scattering the rest of the trash.
That all makes sense. The thing I don't get is the sticker. If they were there, and they didn't take it, were they planning to come back for it later? The whole thing was just weird. I don't even think the sticker was there when I passed it the first time.
In my area the scrappers perform a beneficial service, all I have to do is set out an old appliance, water heater, or whatever else the garbage company either won't take or charges extra for and it disappears like magic.
That all makes sense. The thing I don't get is the sticker. If they were there, and they didn't take it, were they planning to come back for it later? The whole thing was just weird. I don't even think the sticker was there when I passed it the first time.
That is strange, the only sticker I've ever seen is one that says we aren't taking this.
Around here you can buy a sticker for $10 and put it on the item you want the town to remove from the curb.
To me it seems like the person who paid for the sticker should have the peace of mind that the item was disposed of properly. Once the sticker goes on it’s the town’s property just like the items in the recycling bin once it’s at the curb

