I need advice



New member
I posted on another site, so I know some of you may read it there. Just looking for max input on this.

I have been a gas griller for the past 12 years of home ownership. Love my current Napoleon prestige Pro series grill.

Have a brand new WSM 22.5 which I cant wait to use after my family vacation this week.

I am strongly considering a one touch kettle. the 100.00 for the silver is appealing, but for the few bucks extra will not rule out the gold.

Just dont know if I really need it. Seems like I have a lot going on by way off BBQ suddenly and dont know the world of charcoal at all.

thanks, and I appreciate the feedback and perhaps suggestions on how I can incorporate the multiple units during cooks.
I've been cooking on a silver for years and relegated my very expensive gas grill to hot dog cooking with no regrets. My wife has a different opinion that involves a few swear words since I really really wanted the very expensive gasser and than bought the kettle shortly after and quit using the very expensive gasser and we could have bought a bleeping nice patio set or a bleeping couch for the livingroom and new bleeping tv for what I paid for the bleeping gasser so why don't you sell the bleeping thing since all you use is that stupid bleeping charcoal grill and it's just taking up space on the bleeping patio.

Buy the kettle.
I've been a long-time Weber gas grill user. Got the WSM to learn the BBQ life. Now, the gas grill acts as a wind block for the charcoal grills. Yes, multiple. I love the "gold" line and absolutely think its worth the $$$. Having an ash bucket for hot embers to fall into is priceless on a wooden deck. Ash cleaning couldn't be easier. But my to-to charcoal grills are the Performers I have. Gas assist is awesome and almost as easy as the gas grill.
PS. My wife could make a trucker blush when she goes on a rant.
That made me laugh Bob!!
Now Bosco let me tell you what is happening...you have the Weber Fever! It is a BBQ addiction. MBG...multiple BBQ grills! I bought a silver a few years ago,..used it twice. I could not stand the ash blowing around on my patio, I sold it. Then I bought the gold,..much better liked the ash can catcher,...sold it,..I could not stand the three dinky legs it was standing on. Then I bought the Platinum with the two side tables,...Love it!! I still have it. Well then I saw the performer with one big side table,.because one big table had to be better than two little side tables,..yup bought it, love it and still
have it. I also have a small Charbroil patio caddie gas grill. But I am not done,...because the weber q's are really great, and I did not want gas,...so I found a char Q,...still in the box,...but they don't make them anymore,...you can find them on amazon. So that is what happens,....Now do you need a charcoal grill?? Maybe you don't need it,...but once you taste the food that comes off of it you won't use the gas one too often. With all the best people in the world on this forum helping you, you will become the best charcoal griller in your neighborhood and in your family. You could probably just
grill on your WSM, yes? I don't know the answer to that question because I smoke on my platinum or performer. The folks here can answer that. Don't over think it,....just get it....you won't regret it...(sorry for the long rant, I am just passionate about charcoal grilling)
You will never, ever regret having a Weber kettle grill. Ever. It is such a simple and effective design and as long as you dont just leave it out in the elements, it will last as long as you will. Gold or silver? Lots of folks use the silver and love it, I like the ash bucket on the gold. If you are worried about the spending, see if you can find a used one. But when it comes down to it, $150 for something you will use forever isnt so bad. Then you would have all of your bases covered. Seriously, you will never regret having a kettle.
I have a 1993 Genesis 1000 which I bought new and restored about 3 years ago, it’s my go to grill in the snowy winter time for steaks and burgers etc. I bought a one touch silver 22.5 and love that for a little smoking and larger meals of chicken, roasts and an occasional turkey. At a yard sale I found a like new platinum performer for $50 and sold the silver. The gas ignition and the table make it almost as easy as a gasser. It’s my 90% in nice weather and the ash catcher is really a necessity here because of the high fire danger. Like a previous poster said the ashes blowing out of the silver was a little scary.
I have a Q100 on a cart with a 20lb bottle which will last all summer, great for cooking boneless chicken breast or hot dogs so you don’t have to fire up the big gasser.
I just built a mini wsm and its first cook will be tomorrow, want to dab into the BBQ world.
But as far as the kettle goes you can’t beat the versatility of a Weber kettle, if I only could have one it would be my performer. Plus you get that charcoal taste you can’t get on a gasser.
I’m not addicted really I’m not, no really its not an addiction, trust me I’m not addicted.
I've never been a gasser. I had a barrel grill for years and grilled all the time. I can't remember why, but I bought a 18.5 kettle on Craigslist 2 years ago and was so impressed with it that I now have a performer and a 22 wsm. I gave the barrel grill away because my wife said the patio was too crowded. I love my webers!
I've been cooking on a silver for years and relegated my very expensive gas grill to hot dog cooking with no regrets. My wife has a different opinion that involves a few swear words since I really really wanted the very expensive gasser and than bought the kettle shortly after and quit using the very expensive gasser and we could have bought a bleeping nice patio set or a bleeping couch for the livingroom and new bleeping tv for what I paid for the bleeping gasser so why don't you sell the bleeping thing since all you use is that stupid bleeping charcoal grill and it's just taking up space on the bleeping patio.

Buy the kettle.

Ha, to quote Larry The Cable Guy "I don't care who you are, now that's funny, right there". I really wish I would have did more research before I bought my Spirit. I rarely use it and find it aggravating to use in comparison to the OTG. I just find the kettle easy to use and the cooked results rarely disappoint. But Bman is absolutely right, the covered Spirit makes a great wind block.
Agree with everyone else here on the OTG. Definitely worth the increase in cost vs. the OTS. If you're cooking on a wood deck, having the ash collection system in the OTG is more than worth $50 price increase over the OTS.
I would go with th 26.5 OTG if I were you as it is money well invested because it will last a lifetime. Keep in mind that the grill can't be too large but it can be too small.
The 26.5 is quite a bit more expensive than the 22.5, almost double the price. If I were in a position of independant wealth, I would spend that money on a Performer.
can't go wrong with any kettle. just do it. then start reading and cooking. the more you cook things willbecome clear and make more sense.
Pulled the trigger tonight and purchased a WTG gold 22.5!!!!! Very exciting. I deliberated enough and finally said what the hell. I also picked up a weber chimney starter, weber fuel trays, and a spare charcoal grate to use in my brand new 22.5 wsm for when I use lump.

I have spent a lot of money over the last two weeks and cant wait to get going. I purchased my wsm the day before a family trip to orlando. I purchased my OTG at home depot and it will be making the 2000km trip back home to Canada on Friday.

I am so excited to get going!!!!!

Thank yo everyone for the excellent advice and recommendations. The OTG will be a great addition to my BBQ world.
I have a silver with a $7 (at bass pro) water pan from a brinkman smoker. It works better than the disk and is easier to unload than my performer.
Congrats on the OTG Bosco. Now the cool thing about having a choice on what cooker to use is you have a choice on what cooker to use. Although I use my Platinum for most of my grilling I sometimes look at my Genesis gasser and think to myself "I want to fire that baby up today" and so I do. When the mood hits you to use the OTG fire up those coals and when the mood hits you to use your gasser open that propane bottle and push that ignition button. Its all good.

