I need advice

Congrats on the purchase Bosco. I had never had a charcoal grill until I bought my 18.5 WSM and found this awesome site. Since then, I have purchased another 18.5, a smokey joe, a OTS (which I am giving to my sister) and most recently a performer. All but the first WSM were purchased on CL. I got rid of my gasser not long ago because it just wasn't getting use. This is a wonderful addiction all of us have and if you stay on this site you will learn about all the great things you can do with a kettle.

....and hopefully you will share some with us as well

Congrats again
i'll offer the compromise. buy a OTS cheap used. then buy the ash catcher assembly and a thermo and do a conversion. will give you what you want and save you money.

edit- didn't read whole thread and just realized I was late to the party. grats on your gold bro!
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