I might have gone overboard



TVWBB Hall of Fame
Sunday drive today to revive the soul.

Wound up at Ghirardelli company store in Lathrop for ice cream and of course, a chocolate restock run.

Couldn’t pass up a good sale. 18 bags assorted chocolate squares and 10 assorted bars (dark chocolate with blood orange, dark chocolate with hazelnut, dark chocolate with raspberry).

Remember, always take time for you. Life is too short to just work and please others.



Ghirardelli Chocolate Outlet and Ice Cream Shop
(209) 982-9304
I eat the Intense dark as blood pressure medicine

Those bags of squares are dangerous, because the squares are smaller than a full bar, so eating 2 isn't bad, right? Which turns into 4. Sometimes 5. Maybe 6?
brought a bunch to my office today. i placed them in another room so I'd have to walk to see/get them. 1 or 2 isn't bad. they're rich on flavor so i think i can control myself. now the bars are dangerous. i keep one in my desk drawer. this one will be dangerous.

just stop at 2 squares and walk away, so i tell myself.....
Sunday drive today to revive the soul.

Wound up at Ghirardelli company store in Lathrop for ice cream and of course, a chocolate restock run.

Couldn’t pass up a good sale. 18 bags assorted chocolate squares and 10 assorted bars (dark chocolate with blood orange, dark chocolate with hazelnut, dark chocolate with raspberry).

Remember, always take time for you. Life is too short to just work and please others.

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Ghirardelli Chocolate Outlet and Ice Cream Shop
(209) 982-9304
Not overboard at all. And I see you got the proper chocolate. Most people in NW Ohio are milky chocolate fans and scowl at me when they see me savoring a 90% dark bar with my black coffee.

My mother did always claim that M&M's do count as medicinal pills to be taken as needed.

