I can't sleep when I cook overnight.

Ditto.........I usually start my cooks around 10-11PM.

I futz around with the fire and the meat.....and smoke a cigar or two and make sure its on cruise control.

I usually drift off to bed between 12:30 and 1am and try to wake up around 7am to check on things.

Once I get everything going, I can leave it without worries for 6 hours easy.
I look forward to being up all night-that's why I use my stick burner. I am so busy throwing wood in the firebox all night long that the time fly's by. Plus, as Lampe suggested, I enjoy a good cigar or two throughout the night. Nothing is more peaceful then being alone in the still of the night with the meat on the smoker and a stogie in your mouth. Not too mention a nice adult beverage in your hand.
Embrace the night!
Per all of the above, it's tough to sleep while you have a fire burning. It's ingrained from caveman times.

What if my fire goes out? What if it envelopes my cave. What if my crazy neighbours steal my meat while I sleep.

Once again, per the above, get your meat on late. Busy yourself with other things. Have a drink(s), smoke(s) or do anything that you enjoy while watching the temps stabilize.

Don't expect to get 8 straight unless you're the few that can. Expect that you may not be at your best the next morning.

Biggest thing, come to terms that you're cooking a very forgiving piece of meat that can almost always be saved regardless of swings.

Now, if you hear fire trucks, you may want to get up before your significant other just in case
Originally posted by Jeff Bryson:
Does anybody else have this problem? I have a total of maybe 10 cooks under my belt on my 22.5 WSM. Each time when I did an overnight cook, I cannot get any sleep. I toss and turn and worry about my BBQ and end up miserable the next day.

This is one thing I hate about this hobby. My inability to relax and sleep on overnight cooks.
Another option is to get up early and cook durng the day, Use higher heat and smaller meat portions.

Pork butts can be halved and folied or finished in the oven.
Originally posted by Steve Whiting:
I look forward to being up all night-that's why I use my stick burner. I am so busy throwing wood in the firebox all night long that the time fly's by. Plus, as Lampe suggested, I enjoy a good cigar or two throughout the night. Nothing is more peaceful then being alone in the still of the night with the meat on the smoker and a stogie in your mouth. Not too mention a nice adult beverage in your hand.
Embrace the night!
Although I'm a guy who both enjoys his sleep and doesn't function super well with less than, say, 7 hours, Steve's logic here is hard to refute!
Originally posted by Dave Russell:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ChrisPM:
I used to sleep well before the wireless Mavrick. Now I wake up every half our and look at the temps on my nightstand. **** technology!


I had to laugh too, Dave. That was me on my last overnight. But this time I also did all those other things (stock up, get stable, have a drink, etc.). Still kept waking up to check the Maverick.

What happened? Without being touched AT ALL the entire night, the WSM kept my 10 lb. Boston Butt going just fine and I finally climbed out of bed at 9am. The WSM was still happy. It went for 16 straight hours without being touched until that butt was done!

I think I'm getting better at this.

Originally posted by RichPB (richlife):
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave Russell:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ChrisPM:
I used to sleep well before the wireless Mavrick. Now I wake up every half our and look at the temps on my nightstand. **** technology!


I had to laugh too, Dave. That was me on my last overnight. But this time I also did all those other things (stock up, get stable, have a drink, etc.). Still kept waking up to check the Maverick.

What happened? Without being touched AT ALL the entire night, the WSM kept my 10 lb. Boston Butt going just fine and I finally climbed out of bed at 9am. The WSM was still happy. It went for 16 straight hours without being touched until that butt was done!

I think I'm getting better at this.

Rich </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd say so, Rich.
Originally posted by Jeff Bryson:
Does anybody else have this problem? I have a total of maybe 10 cooks under my belt on my 22.5 WSM. Each time when I did an overnight cook, I cannot get any sleep. I toss and turn and worry about my BBQ and end up miserable the next day.

This is one thing I hate about this hobby. My inability to relax and sleep on overnight cooks.

I hear you. I had this issue on my first couple of overnighters but now that I have pulled pork down to a science, I know exactly what I need to do so I don`t lose sleep over it.

My overnights look like this...

4p: start smoke

midnight: reload fuel

7-8a: remove shoulder
wrap in foil, let it rest for 45-60 minutes

I don`t like to eat the pork immediately, often preferring to let the pulled pork sit in the sauce for a few hours, then re-heat right before serving.

My advice is, once you have several successful smokes under your belt, just start to trust yourself, grab a beer or make a pot of coffee and relax.
I also do not sleep well on overnight cooks. Done a bunch of them, and nothing ever had gone wrong....just in the back of my mind the "whats ifs" wake me up.
What are the what ifs?

If you`re smoking for yourself, you can just start over if something catastrophic happens. If you`re catering or smoking for guests, I can understand that a little more.

When I first started smoking, I ran out of fuel by 6a because I wasn`t reloading around midnight. That was my biggest issue but now, even in cold, rainy, windy or even wintry weather, the WSM gets the job done as long as I refuel in the middle of a 16 hour smoke.

The other aspect of this... I hardly sleep more than 4-5 hours a night so...

Maybe that explains it?
After re-reading all these posts I figure the more cooks ya get under your belt with the WSM your trust will build as you learn that once it is dialed in it will run for hours on its own.

Of course there is nothing wrong with stayin up late with a flaming turd and a brewskie smelling wood smoke

