I can't find full packet brisket in Montgomery County, MD. Only flats...



Anybody know where to find a full packer around Montgomery County, MD (North Metro DC area)?

Can I order them online for a good price?

I find flats at Sam's Club, but not full packers...
i have the same problem here in central NJ. i think the idea of brisket as bbq is very foreign in this region hence the focus on flats. have checked costco and numerous food stores. i guess I could find one at a specialty butcher but the price point might be very high. my coworker has found some at restaurant depot but i do not have a tax id.
Most Super Walmarts carry them, at a decent price too. And Restaurant Depot has tons of them. If you don't have a tax ID, you can join KCBS and get a membership that way.
Don't know if you have Gordon Food Service stores out there but I've found them there. Sometimes you have to ask the manager about them. I went one time and they didn't have any in the cooler but when I asked he brought out a whole cart full.
Hey Jeff,
It may not be the closest place to you, but Treuth's by Ellicott City is a real beef distributor and has the freshest beef you will probably find. I heard they may be closing their retail store, but looks like their website still has it listed. I would give them a call to make sure. I have gotten several briskets from there and never disappointed.
Good luck,
Hey Jeff,
It may not be the closest place to you, but Treuth's by Ellicott City is a real beef distributor and has the freshest beef you will probably find. I heard they may be closing their retail store, but looks like their website still has it listed. I would give them a call to make sure. I have gotten several briskets from there and never disappointed.
Good luck,

Thanks Keith! Great reference! I will definitely check this out.
JW Treuth is in Catonsville. I go there a few times a week. It's not closing and is a treasure.

Keith, if you're willing to drive to the Baltimore area give me a message and I'll tell you where to get briskets.
I love this place! : www.hempsmeat.com The quality of their meats would definitely make it worth the drive up 270. The best briskets myself or my neighbor have made have come from here. Good prices too.
Wally World carries them here. Not there?

Most Super Walmarts carry them, at a decent price too. And Restaurant Depot has tons of them. If you don't have a tax ID, you can join KCBS and get a membership that way.

I will have to check. Maybe in Frederick, MD. The Wally World's down where I am located (20 miles south of Frederick) are nothing to write home about.

Wal-Marts in NVa do not carry full briskets. The three near me carry small retail cuts of meat. There is a Restaurant Depot in Alexandria that carry primal cuts of everything.
I love this place! : www.hempsmeat.com The quality of their meats would definitely make it worth the drive up 270. The best briskets myself or my neighbor have made have come from here. Good prices too.

This place looks terrific and not that far from me. Can anybody tell me what they charge for around a 14lb full packer brisket?
They charge $3.49 per pound for whole beef brisket. It's worth every penny! Their other meats are great too. Fresh and local. Go grab some and let us know how it turns out.
They charge $3.49 per pound for whole beef brisket. It's worth every penny! Their other meats are great too. Fresh and local. Go grab some and let us know how it turns out.

I may do a brisket this weekend. Run up there on Saturday morning and shoot for a brisket lunch Sunday afternoon. :wsm:
I know this thread is old, but I have the same problem in MoCo. I just drove down to the Restaraunt Depot in Capital Heights to pick one up.

Last night I spent over two hours driving around to visit 8 different stores...and all I found were a couple over priced flats. I haven't missed Texas this much since SB 281 passed in April! I went to a few chains, a Costco, an organic grocery store, a so called "meat and fish market", two Korean/international grocery stores and nothin'!

I think I paid 2.69/pound at RD for USDA choice. There is P&F in Landover that sells choice for 3/pound, but their hours aren't very convenient. I know a great butcher down in Bryans Road, but that's a hike. The Walmart in Fredrick had a decent selection a couple weeks ago. But I know they don't stock them year round.

