I agree blue is best

Fred, I saw the listing was deleted. Did you score that one? If so, you could drop it off at my house. I'll have a cold beverage of your choice waiting for you. :D

Not me this time. However I have seen the newer school ones like that. Not a good clean one without rot. The guy I just got the other ones from had a good looking (very dirty) Spirit but the bottom had some cancer and from what I have read you can't replace the bottoms like on the 2005 Genesis Silver cabinet. I have a bottom pan coming for mine tomorrow. It was $32 and I think it should be fairly easy to put in. Looks like drill two rivets, pop out the rotten one, and pop in the new one.
I have only seen one Platinum here locally in 3 years.

Fred, you should try to grab this 320 while you can .......


That's an easy $200 profit waiting to happen.

Man I missed it. I did go searching for it and found this:


I think I need to slow my roll a bit. Also being that it is NG I am not feeling it. Super clean and being in Roseville is like 10 mins from my house. I love me some Rose-villians when dealing with Craigslist. My other ones came from a very nice guy but it was very ghetto, muddy, and the grills are a hot mess. Now I could very easily be talked in to getting this one....
Yep Fred. You have the bug. No doubt. Those platinums are nice looking grills. I had never seen a handle before like the one on the Bluehead.
I had heard you can get a replacement bottom for those Silver series grills, but from what I understand, they are pretty expensive. Hard to make a buck on flip when have to start replacing major parts.

I would also seriously consider that E330 that Dave posted if it is anywhere near you. I get about $75 more for one of them than the Silver B's and 1000's and that one looks to be in great shape. But, again you have to worry about that bottom panel inside on those.

How much are you getting these grills for? It sounds like you are in rehabbers grill heaven down there.

Mr. Bruce I got my first 2004 Silver B for $50 (I did flavorizers, ignitor, tank cover, and ordered a OEM #9857 cover on eBay). That is my current daily driver one that gave me the disease. The Silver C I got for $40 but I also bought a tank for $10. Everything else has been for $20. I told myself nothing over $50. I am going to look at a redhead on Friday for $50. I will then be full up and in full blown restoration mode. Unless something else might call my name.... OMG why am I doing this?
Not me this time. However I have seen the newer school ones like that. Not a good clean one without rot. The guy I just got the other ones from had a good looking (very dirty) Spirit but the bottom had some cancer and from what I have read you can't replace the bottoms like on the 2005 Genesis Silver cabinet. I have a bottom pan coming for mine tomorrow. It was $32 and I think it should be fairly easy to put in. Looks like drill two rivets, pop out the rotten one, and pop in the new one.

To replace the bottom panel on a Genesis Silver/Gold you need to remove the side panels and the back panel. The back panel is fastened with the two bolts at the frame. And a nudge which grips into the floor panel. The side panels have to two screws at the top. Then you need to slide them down straight. The bottom is u-shaped around the lower cross bars. Then you have to squeeze in these clamps underneath the floor panel. There is one on each side at each cross bar. The rivets you mentioned are used to mount the clamps to the bottom tray. The new tray will have them as well. No drilling needed. Then you can lift up the bottom tray and put in the new one and put the panels back on in reverse order. But check the bottom of these panels for rust.
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Man I missed it. I did go searching for it and found this:


I think I need to slow my roll a bit. Also being that it is NG I am not feeling it. Super clean and being in Roseville is like 10 mins from my house. I love me some Rose-villians when dealing with Craigslist. My other ones came from a very nice guy but it was very ghetto, muddy, and the grills are a hot mess. Now I could very easily be talked in to getting this one....

I would want that one for sure...Dave may well be right about the cabinet, but even so as he says it would still be a good deal. Those stainless rod grates (ala early Summit, I believe) are worth that $ alone, and that grill has a lot more going for it than just those. That is an extra nice looking Platinum of that era. Like a cross between a Summit and a Genesis.

Just the same, I WILL warn you that you can quickly overrun your yard, garage, shed, wife's craft room:eek: and everywhere else with grill projects. I have had to admit to myself and my wife that I have been a like an addict in this hobby. I keep thinking I will have enough time to do all these grills, when the reality is that they each take a fair amount of time (at least for me) and I currently have too much in the way of first and second job responsibilities, plus family demands, to do so many. ANYWAY, I would agree that you should pace yourself and not grab everything that comes along. See how you do turning around your first few projects before overloading would be my advice.

