Howdy! New WSM owner from Columbia, MO



Hi there!

After using an 18.5'' OTS (R.I.P.) and a 22.5'' OTG for barbecue, I got tired of babysitting charcoal snakes, unclogging vents and fighting uneven direct heat, so I finally bought a 22.5'' WSM. I'm looking forward to smoking some yummy meat, as well as all the inevitable trial and error.

i currently live in the Columbia, MO area, so I'll probably have to contend with wind, rain, and snow. The greatest challenge, however, will likely not be Mother Nature but my own incompetence :). I'm glad this site exists to help us WSM newbies out. See you all on the forums.
Welcome to the forum YYang, we have a great bunch of friendly cooks and we all learn from each other. Just have fun that's what cooking is all about.

