Howdy from Northern California


Mike Barone

New member
I was referred here by a buddy. We were talking about smoking meat while camping in remote areas. He is preparing to convert his Weber SJG camp grill into a Mini Weber Smokey Mountain set up. He started talking about some of the typical mods and my interest was peaked. This was the first I had heard of this idea but having a small smoker set up to take on these camping trips would be fantastic!

I spent as much time as I had available for the last 3 days browsing through these forums looking for a start to finish thread on this conversion. Wow, there is a lot of detailed information and some outstanding and creative ideas in here. In fact, there is sooooooo much info that I still haven't found the complete start to finish thread I'm searching for. I've seen several posts that refer to having read the step by step conversion so I know they exist.

Anyway, I'm glad to be here. I will keep searching and reading but in the meantime, if anyone can tell me where to find a complete conversion story I would really appreciate it. I'm very interested in seeing what others have done and perhaps building my own. Then, on to some fine smoked meals when we're out in the woods, just like we have at home.

Thanks everyone.

Thanks everyone. And thank you for the link Rich G. That's exactly what I was looking for. Now I have some studying to do and decisions to make. I appreciate it.

