How well do WSM methods translate to offset?


David Games

TVWBB Member
A friend just got an offset smoker at a yard sale and was asking me for advice because she has had stuff from my WSM several times in the past few months. All my 'expertise' is what I have learned on this website since I got my WSM last June. Not sure how well this will translate to the offset. I think she said it is a Charbroil.

Does she need to be using wood logs or will charcoal & wood chunks work? Should she use minion method or does she need more heat than that?
I used to have a Charbroil silver smoker. If it is like the charbroil silver smoker, then I suggest she can use lump charcoal and wood chunks the size of your wrist. I used to do the minion method with my silver smoker. The way I did it was I got a metal coffee can(with bottom cut out), placed it in the firebox, pored RO Lump around the coffee can. Lit a chimney of charcoal when it was ready dumped it into the can and then used a pair of pliers to pull out the can, the charcoal went through the open bottom. I would place chunks of wood at different intervals from the lit coals.
Fire control on a cheap offset is different than on a WSM, so that wouldn't translate. As for fuel, she should use charcoal & wood chunks. I would agree that she should read about smoker mods. In addition the links above, have her Google "silver smoker mods". I also had a Silver Smoker, and after modding, it was a great cooker, it just used a lot more fuel.

Your expertise on rubs, sauces, temps, cooking times, etc. will translate nicely.
Need to do some of those mods from bill's post. Problem with cheap offsets is hot and cool spots through out.

Just did a few for a buddy and is much improved smoker
I helped her do a couple slabs of baby backs. I had to leave before they were finished, but she said they turned out really good.

A major difference is the charcoal didn't last very long at all. She really only got about 3 1/2 hours or so out of the initial quantity of charcoal that would have been good for an all night smoke on the WSM. I guess to use one of these you have to keep adding pretty healthy doses of charcoal throughout the smoke.
Good posts above, and as someone that started their bbq journey on the aforementioned Silver Smoker, I'd add that over smoking is MUCH easier on a offset, especially a small one.
David, she will use alot more lump. That is the nature of the beast.

I ran a cheap one once and quickly found that offsets are a totally different beast. I needed a much larger fire and a ton more fuel to keep up a decent cooking temp.
For a first try, we used Kingsford blue yesterday. Why the recommendation for lump vs kingsford blue? Does it burn hotter and you need the extra heat on the offset?
If she got 3+ hours out of a firebox full of KBB she is doing real good for a cheap offset. I had a Silver Smoker and with the charcoal basket I built, I ussually got around two hours max on the initial burn and had to add wood every hour after that. Then I bought a much bigger, heavy duty offset and now I get about four hours on a basket of mixed wood and lump.

