How to transport a WSM? Can I use a hitch-haul?

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In 3 weeks I need to transport my smoker to a festival. I need some advice.

I have searched a little and it seems that most people transport it assemebled. They run bungee cords from the handle on top to each of the three legs to hold it together.

Muy question is this.... it won't fit IN my car standing up. I have a hitch mounted cargo carrier (a metal platform that hangs behind the car from the trailer hitch). However, the platform is only 20 inches deep. If I stand the webber on this platform and figure out some way to lash it down will it stay standing over bumps and such? I sort of feel like it might topple out of the carrier (which only has short 6" walls) when I hit a bump or something.

Here is a link to my cargo carrier for anyone who cares.

This is my cargo carrier

Alternatively, can I lay the assmebled unit on it's side without damaging the cooker or the finish too much? If so I can probably fit it inside the car in plastic.

A third option would be to transport it in pieces I suppose, but that would take up a lot of my cargo space. (I am going camping and I need to hail a ton of stuff.)

A trailer is not really an option.
Maybe Jim Minion will reply. I remember seeing a photo of he and his buddies with several WSMs on a hitch hauler hooked to a RV. I know some hitch-haulers have an accessory set of rails which bring the height up. With some good rope rachets you can do a serious tie-down. I would, of course, take the grates, pan and ring out and put them in a garbage bag in the trunk.

Wow, I am talking to THE Jim Minion! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Your photo of the WSMs on a hitch cargo carrier was my inspiration. It is WHY I bought my carrier.

I am interested in some tips. Since I will have only one WSM on the rack how do I secure it? (you have 3 tied together which would appear to make them more stable)

I can not tie to the back of the vehicle (there is nowhere to tie anything back there) all I can do is tie it to the floor of the cargo carrier.

Is that enough?

I was hoping to leave the cover on the smoker (to protect it from road spray and dirt). If the cover is on, how do I ratchet it down to the cargo carrier?

Maybe I am being dense, but this still seems a little confusing.

So far I know to use several bungies from the handle to the legs. Should I put the cover on and then the ratchet tie downs? Or should I skip the cover and ratchet through the handle?

thanks in advance for any advice. This will be my first camping trip WITH the wsm and I am really excited. I love camping and I love smoking, but to do both at once has only been a dream until now. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Originally posted by Kevin Taylor in the New WSM Owners Forum on June 22, 2004


I travel a lot with mine and never leave it fully assembled. Mostly because it would not fit in my van. I have seen folks transport them standing upright in the back of a pick-up. Works great from what they say.

I transport in 2 pieces...the bottom and the middle & lid. I then stuff everything possible inside the 2 units...charcoal bag, chimney starter, smoke wood, etc.

The single biggest thing to watch for and avoid is bending the bottom air vents. They are very cheaply made and bend very easily. Mine are always bent and have been bent on almost every trip I matter how careful I am.

Laying on its side should work OK, just be sure you anchor it so that the middle section does not go out of round.

Last resort is to rent a small U-haul. That will be my choice when we sell the van.

Good luck!

How about setting the WSM in the carrier, then running a U-bolt over the bottom of each leg, and down through the expanded metal deck of the carrier, secured with nuts on the underside. That would solidly fix the base of the WSM to the carrier. Then, you could use bungees or (my preference) nylon straps to hold the middle section and lid down tightly to the base. Finally, put the cover over all and secure it so it can't blow away.
You can tie down to the hauler only and sould be fine. I covered the units after they were secured to the hauler only because it was easier.
Larry, great minds think alike. While in the hardware store looking for inspiration I came up with 2 ideas. One was exactly what you said: I bought 3 u-bolts and wingnuts. (fortunately they also sell the WSM, so I could get the right size u-bolt).

I also bought a package of heavy zip-ties. I was thinking they would be easier/quicker to install through the expanded metal floor. The downside is that they could wear through from the edges of the aluminum legs. (of course, wing-nuts could walk off).

Thanks for the idea! I think I will go with the wingnuts. I also bought split washers so they wouldn't vibrate off during driving. I may be paranoid, but not only would I hate to drop my WSM on the highway (yikes) but then I would also have to camp without it! (double yikes).
I have a spot in my RV between the front passenger seat and another similar seat about three feet behind it that just about perfectly hosts a covered WSM. I connect up the two seat belts and, viola, it stays put. Why I put a seat belt around my WSM and noone else is a whole different forum. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

If I were to haul it on a platform outside the vehicle, I would be pretty confident in running a normal 1" nylon ratcheting strap up, through the handle, and down the other side. Cinched up, it should stay pretty darned stable. That would be no different than how I haul my Hobie Catamaran around and it doesn't budge.

I should have taken some pictures!! I use 55 gallon barrels, PLASTIC ones. With a handle hole cut in each side, and a 2 1/2" hole cut in the bottom so smokey don't drown."If it rains " First I place the bottom of the WSM in the barrel, then a sheet of plastic "for protection" then the coal great,fire ring, water pan, and the door. Then with the plastic hanging over the edge of the WSM bottom I sit in the mid section with the food greats in the top position, one more sheet of plastic for protection and then the WSM lid. Now to hold it all together I hook a bungee from one barrel handle through the WSM handle and to the other barrel handle.This is how I cary them in the back of a pic up .I am sure with all this protection you could use some heavy tie downs to hold them to you cargo platform.

See ya, Rick
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