Second time smoking ribs and just cant taste enough smoke flavor. What should I do? I used more apple and cherry and a couple big chunks of oak, about triple what is recommended here on the basic tutorial. Held smoker at 225 the whole time following the basic tutorial here. Lower vents 1/3 open, top vent open all the way. The first time I put it in cold from the refrigerator and this time I put in ribs at room temp. The only thing different I noticed this time was no smoke ring at all this time. What am I doing wrong? thanks.
Second time smoking ribs and just cant taste enough smoke flavor. What should I do? I used more apple and cherry and a couple big chunks of oak, about triple what is recommended here on the basic tutorial. Held smoker at 225 the whole time following the basic tutorial here. Lower vents 1/3 open, top vent open all the way. The first time I put it in cold from the refrigerator and this time I put in ribs at room temp. The only thing different I noticed this time was no smoke ring at all this time. What am I doing wrong? thanks.