How To Increase Smoke Flavor?????


Eric Lee

TVWBB Member

Second time smoking ribs and just cant taste enough smoke flavor. What should I do? I used more apple and cherry and a couple big chunks of oak, about triple what is recommended here on the basic tutorial. Held smoker at 225 the whole time following the basic tutorial here. Lower vents 1/3 open, top vent open all the way. The first time I put it in cold from the refrigerator and this time I put in ribs at room temp. The only thing different I noticed this time was no smoke ring at all this time. What am I doing wrong? thanks.
Cherry and Apple are fairly mild but Oak should have given you the smoke flavor. I recommend filling the ring half way with charcoal and add six chunks of hickory. Cover it the rest of the way with charcoal and add another six chunks of hickory leaving a depression in the middle for your lit. If you don't get enough smoke from hickory I can't help you my friend. I normally don't use NEAR that much smoke wood but if you want smoke that ought to do it. I am a less is more kinda guy when it comes to smoke wood.
Yeah careful with the smoke, you can run a crowd away in a hurry with to much.
How is the smoke flavor to others. I ask because after be around the smoker all day you will not notice the smoker flavor as well. Have you tried the que the next day?
Be careful with the smoke but I guess i f you want a strong smoke then use hickory only... Some people may not like that..

Three other people thought it was fine, but you know, who would say it wasn't right?? good point though, I have a full rack left and will try them tomorrow. What's the best way to reheat? thanks.

