how much wood?


Sparky Rowe

TVWBB Super Fan
i smoked some ribs last week. real icky. way to much smoke and a very dark rich color. i used 3 chucks (1 pecan, 2 apple). i think it was way to much. how much does everyone use for ribs? chicken? butts? do ya'll weigh your wood before you put it in? thank you for the help. :wsm:
Assuming your wood was seasoned, that's about what I'd use if the chunks were about the size of a child's fist. However, smoke flavor isn't nearly determined by amount of wood alone. If you use briquettes, try waiting for thin blue smoke. I use lump under my lit and put wood around the ring so they start smoking really slow.
I use very little wood. It is a matter of taste. Some like a lot and some don't. I've used no wood and just lump charcoal and was happy with the results. For ribs, I do feel a little hickory is a nice touch. For me, a little is about one chunk about the size of a baseball - however, I cut it into pieces and spread it throughout the charcoal.
I use pecan splits for heat and smoke. Preheated, I just feed the fire as needed. No problems with over smoking, thin blue to no color smoke out of the chimney. Perfect every time.
I measure wood chunks by fist. I have not smoke ribs yet; for butts and brisket, I will use 3 fists each of apple and cherry. I smoke 4 whole chickens recently and used 2 fists of apple. I read that less smoke flavor is better but it's a matter of taste.

